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Night Fox Works

A member registered Jun 06, 2023 · View creator page →

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There is a F@FF 2 in planning, but we're doing another project between F@FF 1 and F@FF 2 to give us space and time to develop F@FF 2 further.


The same folks who made a map for v0.3.1 are working on one for v0.4.0 as well! No ETA on that, but you'll have it eventually!

The main menu song can be found here!

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Things are coming along decently. Much of what we have to do is wrangle Renpy into doing the proper things without introducing bugs, which can be challenging at times. 

Very much a "play by ear" situation. Nothing concrete yet!

Once the game is complete, yes!

You mean the desk in the security office? It's set against the wall and runs the length of it. 

Are you able to hit the return/enter key on the keypad that comes up? If not that might be something we didn't intend on older devices.

Late August - September as the current projection. It will indeed be free.

The actual NSFW content begins in Act 2, i.e. the next release.

Nope! There are multiple opportunities to free the girls past Night 9

That's likely due to the shader we use not being compatible with your device. There will be a fix for that in v0.2 hopefully

The assets are too large for a web version, sadly

Can you get to the main menu? If so I have a hunch as to why it's crashing

The full game will be released whenever Act 3 is done (Late 2024/Early 2025)

All versions will be free!

The public version of v0.2 will be free here on Itch about two weeks after the Patrons get their copy. That's projected somewhere in July - September at the current moment.

Just checked - It works fine. You have to accept the rules or the anti-spam bot will kick you when you go offline.

July - September is the current projection

July - September is the current projection

The next update will have several!

It honestly depends on the route you take in v0.2. v0.1 (the current version) is a good showcase of what you can expect when it comes to atmosphere and tone.

The game is free here on Patrons only get advanced copies for a few weeks prior to the public copy.

There will be no NTR in any of our games

Capone was a major inspiration for the initial act! We wanted to cover/follow as much as established canon there was before branching out to do our own thing in Act 2 and beyond

All updates will be free!


Play and find out! ;)

For the most part, our composers made them specifically for the game! There are a few creative commons tracks that you can find in the Credits section of the menu. There will also be a music room in the final version!

Yes! Patrons get at least a two week head start, but otherwise the public will get the same releases!

The extras menu isn't fully implemented yet. Eventually it will contain all the photos/CGs as well as replay functionality for H-Scenes

Sounds like you're running into an issue with the shader we're using. It's something we have pegged for a potential fix in future updates.

Translations will come once the game is complete!

Unfortunately I don't have access to a Mac to do dev work for the iPhone/iPad.

They won't. My design philosophy is that rewarding "bad ends" with CGs fundamentally changes how someone plays a game like this, and should be avoided if your goal is to have folks engaged with and invested in your story for the long haul.

The Lexy ending is in the next update. If you mean the H-Scene then that is already in the game.

If you're on the web client and you navigate away/log off before getting a role it'll kick you. Otherwise it should leave you alone until you're able to react.