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A member registered Jan 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Thank you for the review. I have now updated the game with a fix for that bug. 

I'm sorry, I will add that to the post-jam update also. I mostly tested the game with cursor keys and x/c.

Thank you for the review. I would like to incorporate some of the feedback I've been getting. The bug you mentioned is known and I will be trying to fix it when the game can be updated again. It unfortunately only happens sometimes which makes the cause harder to pinpoint.

Thank you for your review. I learnt a lot doing this game jam and would schedule my time differently. I would like to work on a patch to figure out the difficulty choices more.

(1 edit)

I'm sorry my game isn't working for you. I was only able to check it on two different computers and didn't experience what you described. If you could quickly describe your system/graphics card I can try and look into this.