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Nikusha GDEV

A member registered Feb 05, 2024 · View creator page →

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Heyyyy I am so glad you liked it :DD also thank you for the recommendation I will keep this in mind for future sequels :)

thank you :D


I’m glad you liked it :D, and about the music, I wanted to implement unique soundtracks for each boss and current loadout you were carrying but due to short time I was left with, I had to Submit the game without it

Yeah the duration to switch the marines should have been longer I agree, I’m glad you liked it overall :D

Thanks :D

so this game was supposed to be story driven game but I had to do like some changes due to the time limit, and in the end story barely made it in the game but I still kept that so that story and whatever came after it made sense, but I can understand it was boring to sit through because there was no story to begin with that made it in the game and this all seemed unnecessary information being injected into the player so I agree I should removed it, it’s almost 2min or longer but I think after that slow dialogue, game gets better with the bosses and there are no further dialogue to interrupt your gameplay.