We finally have Graph Theorymount. I can't wait for the next game to be the Covemonty Hall Problem, followed by the Riemount Hypothesis.
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I've always found Tafl type games interesting and the mechanics here are really unique.
I'll need to play it myself before judging, but from the sound of things it seems like the game could potentially favor the bees. One idea I had that could boost the wasp side would be that when they're defeated, it could destroy the space they were on, which would both block the bees and be used as an escape path for the wasps.
And here I thought you were finally working on ESA2 (jk jk).
Overall, outside from getting used to the controls, the puzzles weren't all that difficult, it was really just a funky way to display single directional screen wraping. Now you just need two directional screen wraping by projecting the game on a torus and call it Donutmount.
Truly the Darkmount of Covemounts. This one took me days on and off and even considered skipping this one. Personally, I'm glad I went through with it, because this one was really satisfying. Despite the depth of the coding mechanics, it still felt like there was a clean intended solution to every puzzle and it genuinely felt like my brain unlocked every time I beat a level.
This might be one of my favourite covemount-likes yet. Nabogorf and Mountinuum were also great but I like how surprisingly versatile the mechanics are and how you gradually learn new rules as you progress.
I think I might've even solved some puzzles outside the intended solution, unless there were some red herrings. That said, the solutions I came up with felt so elegant that I wouldn't want them to be changed.