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A member registered Dec 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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Here is a transcript from start to end if you want:

My longest block was with the light.

Thanks, checking there, I have seen that there is on betabeta version:

: overlay "my_object" experimental_command = "go north";

that should be able to do exactly what I wanted without any javascript.

(4 edits)


Our adventuron game is nearly finished and we are mainly on "quality of life" improvement phase based on feedback (and improving tutorial).

I wanted to do some test about maybe about adding some action when clicking a part of the graphic, this should be possible by injecting a script in compiled html, and then the script would handle click over banner using gid attribute (from `<div gid="my_first_room" ...>`), but there is two things that make this a little ugly:

- if there is overlay, we just get a `<div gid="my_room_name" ...><canvas /></div>` that doesn't indicates which overlay are present

- the code particular to each graphics would need to be in the injected javascript, I would prefer if all code particular to a game is in the adventuron file only.

So there is a solution but not perfect, and I was wondering if through experimental_javascript command (I have not been able to use it, the editor not allowing experimental_javascript anywhere I tried) or something else, there would be a way to send a variable between adventuron and a custom javascript outside, so for example I would like to have something equivalent to this in adventuron:

: setcookie current_region_area_commands "[[0, 0, 5, 5, '/look book'], [15, 15, 25, 20, '/look car']]"

and in javascript the code would just use the cookie `current_region_area_commands` (next time we detect that banner image has changed) and do what is needed.

I give cookie as example, but it could be anything else as long as the information can be gotten to external script from adventuron. The cookbook example of experimental_javascript would be perfect if I understood how to use it and if we could give parameter the the function that is called.

(1 edit)

it is over two vods, santapunk play is on the first one:

it is nice to see how someone else played the games :)


I was not able to rate all games. I only finished 6 out of the games and they all had lots of qualities, original and nice features :)

For score adjustment based on number of votes, here it seems rather low (12 votes -9%, 13 votes: -5%, 14 votes: -2%, 15 votes and more no deviation) thanks to the fact that no one was too far away from the median. In this other jam, someone with three  5/5 is 1st place, someone with two 5/5 is 38th place with 4.08 (19% deviation) and someone with one 5/5 is 313th place with 2.88 (42% deviation).

the graphics are really clean and everything fit well together

I just needed two remaining elements of the last puzzle on 21th december and I'm not sure if the hint has been improved or if I had another reason to stopped playing but I continued today and `hint red thing` helped me finish quickly.

It was nice to have something in very different in graphics/genre/atmosphere and feeling.

Nice well rounded game.  The graphics are great and the replay value (different ways to do things and achievements) is a really nice since the game is not too long.

I especially liked the interface (for example choosing one out of 2 questions to santa, and after asking one, the second one is automatically asked) and the different ways to do things.

(2 edits)

I liked the graphics and use of animated gif (for teleporting sequence and the falling snow), I did not think about that possibility and adventuron.

The woods layout and puzzle is my favorite and the other puzzles were well linked to the story and it was nice that they did not just require one step to be solved.

I finished and was well rewarded by santa. I had no major issue, I just had a little difficulty with the wording of slide puzzle because I had already made lot of test before getting the right tool (but it would be nice if the sentences worked with BOLT noun).

So I think it's a very good contender for the contest )

ps. a friend told me he was blocked because he dropped the can at the campfire, and was not able to take it back with message "you leave the bottles and cans where they are".

i liked the art and puzzles (the one that took me the most error was the cleaner one but it made sense when I found it).

the theme and ambiance made it seems a little non-christmassy but at the core it is (just cyberpunk style) and it was good to see it differently like that (secret packet delivery in robot/technological world).

I finished with rank S.

Playing it, I just had two small issues in the terminal: gist with transcript

(2 edits)

great game, very nice mechanisms, puzzles and story :)

I was really looking  forward to give a gift to Pel :o

just a detail, at first I thought `RESET` accepted number (since there is no error) that we had to find, maybe it would be better to have `RESET -` but it's fine as it is with the tips of Pel.

also in the `hack` puzzle, I had an issue at one time (I reproduced in this transcript line 495: gist transcript), when it happened in the play-through I just called Pel and it worked again.