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A member registered Mar 10, 2020

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Got it. Thanks for the reply.

I feel dumb for asking this but does that mean that once 1.0 releases Monster Village will be officially finished?

*SPOILER ALERT* Hopefully I did it right, if not please remove the comment.

Holy crap! That final shot creeped me out! I can't tell if the Housekeeper wants me/us dead or the Admiral.

Before this update Juuichi's route was my favourite, but now I think Kyouji's is my new favourite. Still love Juuichi though.

To unlock Ten's route you need to get Juuichi's bad ending.

1st Joseph

2nd Jin

3rd: Runan (it was tough, but I rank Jin slightly higher than him.)

4th: Leo

5th: Ridge

6th: Koku

I don't know if this will help but, if you were doing it from a save that was from a previous version, maybe try starting Joseph's route from the start again? I was doing Runan with the trial and when I tried to load my previous save it started from the trial when I was on Day 13.

Spoiler alert!!!!! (Possibly.)

If you'll excuse me... I need to go cry for a few hours...

Please, PLEASE! I need another update soon! But also by all means take that rest.

(Also, if I didn't do the spoiler alert correctly, I apologise and please feel free to remove this comment if that's the case.)

Love the new CG art! Loving all the villagers to! I'm torn between Jin and Joseph.

I already request a sequel when this game is finished! LOL.

I have to ask, are the characters listed here on the Itch page the only ones we can currently date? And if so, I know it's far to early ask this but, do you think anymore monsters could be added to date? Like Teostra, Nargacuga or Magnamalo?

You... you just created my dream game!

New content for Juuichi?! Sweet!

Oh! I didn't know that was an option. I'll try that, thanks

On Richard's Day 9, all I could click on in the shower scene was his ass, is that intentional or are there other parts of his body I can click on? If so, nothing else seemed to do anything.

OK Xevvy seriously, you have GOT to stop making these characters so hot! (Please don't actually.) That Maxwell guy? Lord, someone get me a towel!

So my favorite route was a tie between Coach and Darius, but Richard is really getting close to snagging that spot. That daddy rhino is both smokin' and cute.

OK, that Day 3 change actually made me do a double take, LOL. And Daddy Richard! Finally! 

You weren't kidding when you said the new sex scene was a doozy! And after that, I can't imagine what Tai was implying for the next time. Again, dom tiger daddy? Yes please!

I believe it's gonna be Tai only, until the end of his route. I might be wrong but I think the route they're going to work on after Tai's is Axel and/or Dom, but, again, I might be wrong.

I think they said Ten's route won't be in this version, but they might add elemts from it into other routes instead.

(2 edits)

How I would describe Tai? "Daddy" that's it.

And "that" Day 7 scene, "Oof" "Oof" I say! More Daddy-dom please!

Seriously though, great new update, and can't wait for more!

P.S. the sound that plays during "that" scene on Day 7, which I assume is supposed to be Tai growling, for some reason it was really, really loud and I couldn't adjust it with the sound option. I'm not complaining about it, trust me, but just thought I should let you know.

I promise, you're not the only one.

Loved Diego's route, and looking forward to Tai's! Tiger daddy? Yes please!

It's was so hard for me to choose just one route. So I made one for each character.

I'm enjoying this so far, but when I reached the point where I had to "choose a path" I couldn't choose the shield one or the one in the middle. Is it an error or are they still a work in progress?

OK, you have no buisness making the dateable characters that likable. How the hell am I suppose to choose just one of these hot daddy-looking guys?! Seriously though, this was great to playthrough and can't wait for more.

I'm still really enjoying the novel, you and your team have clearly put a lot of work into this and it's really showing! I'm really looking forward to what else is in store! 

On a kind of un-realated note, (even though I haven't played the Patreon release) you can't show me a pic of that polar bear and not expect me to want him as another dateable character once the other main routes are done.

May I ask how routes are going to be realeased? Like, are you only going to release Lukas' route after Diego's is finished, for exanple? Love this visual novel by the way!

Could you answer something for me? I played Orlando's route and got the password during his bad end on day 7. When I went back and entered it, I still got the bad end. Is there a different password I need?