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Niris Games

A member registered Feb 26, 2018 · View creator page →

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Sorry, it isn't at the moment.  At some point i can probably make a non steam version, but it wont be for a while yet, as you're the only person who has asked at the moment.

During EA it's also probably easier for me to maintain just the one version on Steam. Current EA version also has Steam cloud save support and am looking to add, Steam Leaderboards and Workshop support. Obviously a full version here wouldn't support any of that. 

Thanks for the question!


My old pc didnt have the files on. However, there is an easier solution, i should of thought about! i just needed to install the game, and copy the files to a zip! There should be a zip file now available to download.


I'll see if i get a chance to boot my old pc that has the files on. Probably simpler than trying to recompile from backups and latest engine. I'm sure there are a few bugs in there, and an update may be problematic.  

That is because it's an installer for the game.  I haven't looked at this game prototype for quite some time, but i could just create an alternative zip download, with game files so dont need to bother with installer issues. Let me know if that would be useful.


Thanks for the feedback. How long do you think the demo should be?

I do need to add some more sound effects :o) 

Perhaps a 'dock permission granted/denied' voice would be a good addition? 

Ah yes, i have been building the zip on windows, didnt realise the error. The demo is due an update, so i'll make sure the zip works correctly next update. Thanks for the info!

Any feedback is great, if its a video that works fine.

Yes solar panels need to be built 'outside' as in not on floors. But you can build walls around them as you suggest. But they are still treated as being in space (or should be), due to lack of floor. It's a valid tactic to build panels near the center, and build station around them.

I've just uploaded v0.3.0.11, should resolve the issue. Sorry about that!

(1 edit)

Just confirmed the issue. Not sure how that slipped in! Will get that fixed, and hopefully get an update out today/tomorrow.

Thanks for the bug report! 

Sorry, it's not ideal, forced to unfortunately.

Gamemaker no longer supports 32bit export since a recent update.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the kind words. At this time though my efforts are on another game, Deep Space Outpost, which has been in Early Access for a few months. I'll be on that fully for many more months. 

I'd like to come back to this, but it'll be probably be next year! Unless there are any little bugs that need fixing.


Thanks. Shame your project shut down. There are quite a few other space games coming out soon or are in early access: starmancer, stardeus and space haven all look interesting.

Hey Thunder,

I can make out your green marker on a turret to delete, is not allowing delete? If not that you'll have to describe what you're showing here.  

Are you still running on an old laptop?  Could you run DXDiag, and give me an idea of your pc? Email me your dxdiag.txt save file. 


(1 edit)

Yes cancel building is on my list, somewhere!

Thanks for the follow!

Thanks for posting the error message. Looks like i havent looked at the  damage overlay code in some time. Should be easy to fix, but guess don't use the overlay until next release.

Yep spotted it, will reply via email.

Looks like still a bug in that function, sorry! I will take another look. I am prepping for another release shortly (next day or two) so will get this bug fixed!

Loading/Saving is on my list, but game probably needs to be a bit more than a prototype before i get to that!

Thanks for the feedback :) 

Ooops, looks like i've missed a check if the droid is moving to an item that gets deleted. Will get fixed in next update, which will probably be next week.  Thanks for submitting the error, very helpful!

Thanks for the reply.

Lite version say 1.3 on the top bar, (file version says Downloaded from

PC is a 10yr old i5 with8Gb. Not a massive issue, just slows down my work flow a bit.

Im getting very high cpu load (~50%), when running 1.3.2. Is this usual? Odd thing is i tried the Lite version and that behaves as expected. Any help would be great.

I think i will want to add a generator to provide an additional power source to solar panels. Rather than engines to move the station. My thoughts currently are that asteroids can provide water as well as metal. Water can be split into hydrogen and oxygen. So we can produce fuel. That's as far as i've got at the moment. Heat & waste are something to consider.  

In which way? I cant test without a bit more explanation.

Load/Save is on my to do list, but wont be there for a while. Any video/screenshots showing problems helps a lot. Can email me directly at if that's easier.

I will have a think about how to put in some settings to disable some of the additional graphical effects, to see if you can run the latest version. In fact if you email me i'll send you an individual build to try. 

 Thanks for the info. I have fixed some mining droid bugs since that version, but will double check. I'm pretty sure ive fixed it so if you delete your last mining unit, all droids are deleted as well.

As for the freezing,  that's something i will check as well. I dont think i've had it running for 2 hours with out restarting!

I've uploaded v58, which was a version before xmas without some graphical changes i made.  Maybe try that?  I will have a bit of a research into requirements. A Win7 machine with 2GB maybe a stretch im afraid.

Haven't thought about  min pc requirements, but i would think very low! I'm currently stuck at home developing this on an ancient pc (~10 years old).   I would think anything should run it! 

Hey, thanks for the comment. Great to hear people are giving it a try. Have had a bit of time over last few week  working on this, so have made quite a bit of progress recently, with more frequent updates. Hopefully i can keep it going!  

(16 edits)

Just a place for me to list possible ideas. I've got a massive list within my project and when testers suggest things, i keep stating it's on my list! So to help everyone know what my ideas are, and so don't need to suggest things already noted, here's my list.

They're in some sort of rough grouping order. I'll try keep this up to date as much as possible.  Current work items i have listed on main game page -

--- Droids ---

  • Building new droids - done, should probably allow queuing though.
  • Droid should probably grab metal before heading to build and return it if they deconstruct. I'm going with the idea that processed material would use built in piping/ducting available throughout the ship.
  • Efficiency - droids maintain structure/items, efficiency drops overtime, reduced production.
  • Droid maintenance - display all droids, status, and maintenance priority .
  • Droids should probably not sit on top of one another. Or show how many droids are on one space.  I now have an icon showing multiples

--- Items ---

  • Refinery - expand to create further resources from ore (fuel/water/o2).  Yes done
  • Would you need separate processors to convert water to o2 and fuel or part of refinery? 
  • Further storage types - mixed usage?
  • Should items (some) be solid - droids cant move over?
  • Mining - different ore types - target asteroids - survey asteroids.
  • Life support - shouldn't create o2 - but is a recycler of o2/water, heat? Yes now uses stored air.
  • Alt power sources - now we have fuel can have an engine for power. help with life support (heat)? Added fuel cell.
  • Ship dock - mining station at some point wants to sell/ship resources. 
  • Airlock - method not to lose oxygen on opening external door. Structure? Item to sync doors, return air to  supply?
  • Once we have o2/water - look at items for human habitat (food/quarters/security/recreation/trading)
  • More floors. I'd like to add a lift item, that will allow multiple levels for your station.

--- Turrets ---

  • More defense types - cannon, would use ammo that needs to be made.
  • Mining turret - If built close enough, could use a cheaper mining turret. But more chance of station suffering impact damage.  Done.
  • Tractor beam - Can we push away incoming meteroids? Maybe we should drag them closer and mine them! Done

--- Events/Objectives ---

  • electrical overloads, item breakdown, fuel/o2/water (leaks). storms(electrical, magnetic). debris(asteroid, meteor, comet). 
  • mining, salvage/scrapping/repair, trading, transit point, recreation park

--- Building ---

  • Undo last build object(s).
  • Cancel item/struct in build queue.
  • Disallow construction that isn't joined? We assume all power connected. Yes have a sub structure holding diff parts together.

--- Game ---

  • Campaign/Sandbox modes.
  • Load/Save.
  • Key remap.
  • Translations.
  • Different game speeds. Time control added
  • Day/Hour - missions:- 'do x before y hours/days'

 more to follow!

Ah, seems i may have a memory leak in there somewhere, if it starts slowing down after a period of time.  I'll stick it on my list of things to test. If you can replicate it again, see if you can make a note of number of droids, maybe what items you've got built, or a screenshot. Anything like that would be useful.

Thanks for giving it a go! 

You dont have the droid maintenance built do you? I've spotted a bug where droids get stuck charging with that. Let me know if you do, as i have fixed that, but am currently testing further at the moment.

I think i've spotted the issue! Looks like droids stop hauling metal/ore when storage gets close to full. Having issues with part loads, or taking storage to max. Should get a fix out in next day or so. 

Thanks for the feedback. The refinery does stop due to not enough power / no ore / or not enough metal storage though. Could it be any of those?  I am currently looking at a notification system, as the player should be given these messages if these things occur and production stops.

I will do some testing in case it's not one of these conditions however.



That's very odd, i haven't had any crashing here. I wonder if some bug has slipped in the build that i uploaded, hmmm :o(

Thanks for the heads up anyway, I assume you mean you cant build other structures apart from walls/floors, as you did manage to build a mining unit, yes?

Will take a look, and see if i can get a new version uploaded with some bug fixes! Yes not much there at the moment, but hopefully with a few extra items to mess about with, may get to the start of a game prototype.

(4 edits)

Just a place for me to list possible ideas. Any thoughts on these or any ideas you have, please comment. 

  • Currently using sprite_alt, to indicate a toggle switch, setting alt_state, might want to know state without setting an image (maybe alter to use no image rather than an empty sprite).
  • Health Bars - not sure i want to go to far into drawing, but used a lot in game gui's. Maybe do a nine slice type function?
  • Draggable windows. Set a bar at the top of gui look for mouse over, button held and drag?
  • Message board window. Show messages, than can be dismissed.  Allow scrolling (slider down rightside)?
  • Set window sizes by percentage - is that useful? maybe need to set min/maxs.
  • Minimap - i do have a test game with this in somewhere, maybe move over? 

Use this topic to make any comments or suggestions on the current framework.  Also any requests for new features!

(2 edits)

v0.0.1.1 -  28/06/20 - Added example of using checkboxes.

v0.0.1.0 -  26/06/20 - First public release of GUIFramework, basic window and button support