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A member registered Dec 10, 2023 · View creator page →

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I liked it!, at first It is a little annoying that the cahracter is so slow but with the upgrades of the store it makes perfect sense, the upgrades make it more and more enjoyable. The visual style and the music fit together very well, and they are very good, good job!

Thank you!

This game is very fun!, I love the graphics and the little intro scene. The puzzles are well thought and very funny, and the audio fits perfectly with the style. I encountered a couple of bugs that wouldn't let me progress the game but in general the game is awesome, nice done!

Thank you!!

Thank you! Already did! :)

Really fun game!, I was just blasting everything in sight. The world visuals with the models fit perfectly together, including the happy music with the easter-like theme, nice job!.

(1 edit)

Wasn't' expecting today to have to follow the orders of our lord and savior the big Egg!. Quite fun and entertaining game, I love the sound it makes when you throw stuff haha, and the ambient sounds also. I don't know if it happens but I tried making some mistakes one after another and I was expecting for our lord to take actions against me but didn't. Great game overall, good job!.

Yeah, the first part is a bit tricky, Thank you!

I liked it!, At first I thought it was going to be a very difficult game but after getting upgrade after upgrade I started to move so fast I couldn't even know where I was hahahah. Nice job!

Thank you!

(2 edits)

Although the game is pretty simple, it's very entertaining!. The controls are a bit uncomfortable and difficult, I think it would have been better to use the classic AWSD.

Overall, nice done!

Thank you!

Really cool game!, I like the ambient and graphics making a perfect combination and giving a mysterious, uneasy and intriguing feeling to the player, really complements the objective of the game. The really short sprint made me a bit nervous, it's so short, I was constantly spamming shift hahaha. Good job guys!

So simple but so addicting, this is a good way to warmup before playing some shooter games. Graphics are simple but really well made and the music fits the competitive side of the game. There were some moments where I couldn't see properly the mouse because of all the mix of colors in the screen, you should add a GIANT mouse cursor alternative like in Diablo games, hahaha.

It was very fun and I liked the combination of the music with the style of your game, made perfect sense and good combination. The only downside as other people commented is that the controls should be explained a bit better but overall, good job!.

Me ha gustado!, el juego es bastante entretenido y los gráficos están muy bien hechos, quizá me hubiese gustado que las balas fueran un poco más rápido pero es cosa mía porque soy malísimo.

(1 edit)

The game is fun, the graphics are very nicely done, and the music fits perfectly within the graphics, good job!. Just a quick suggestion, I think, as the deers give more points, they should be rarer to see, getting into the final part, I have almost no need to move the camera because there is always a deer on screen.

La verdad es que creo que como dices es mejor elegir donde disparar porque disparar los dos lados a la vez no tiene sentido, lo miraré de cambiar cuando acabe la jam, gracias!

I'll have a look into changing the first boat, more people commented that it is too hard, thanks for the feedback!


Thank you!, I'll look into changing  the first boat mechanic so it is easier.

Iliked it! Although at first I had trouble finding out how to skip dialogue (until I found the key).

I liked the music and how it slowly gets slower each scene, nice touch.

Sometimes I couldn't see well my character because of the lighting but it was okey.

Nice done!.

I really like the mood you are trying to set with your game, and the way you split the game in two parts, combined with the half parkour and those graphics, they complement eachother very well!.

The only negative I could say is that the interior of the ship is a bit confusing, I didn't really know where I was going.

Nice one!

Nice little platformer!, I think the background images are a bit too distracting and a little bit of sound would have made the game a lot better, but overall, nice done!

The indoor level was, in fact, scary!, the ambient sound and the guy peeking in the corner and then retreating with the spooky sound is what made it for me from somewhat scary to okey, let's get the hell out of here.

I think your prototype is looking pretty good, would love to see a full game, nice one!.

Jesus, It's been soo long I played an RPG Maker game...

I liked it!, I think you did a really good job taking into account the limited time of the jam.

I think the idea and story as a base are pretty nice, are you going to continue developing the game?.

Great job!

I wasn't expecting a 3D game with multiple maps, and I liked it!.

The Asylum being the central building and then giving the user information about the patients in the form of playing in different maps was really cool, I really liked it.

Graphics were nice, and the maps were nicely done, good job!.

I think a little extra info about how to get through everything would be appreciated because at first I didn't know why I was being killed everytime by the bed guy (and then I figured it out), and the same thing happened to me in the second map, although you explain the rules, I didn't quite understand what "forms" where, but I figured it out eventually hahaha.

Nice done!.

I'll be honest, my expectations were quite low because you didn't explain anything anywhere, but.... I loved it!.

I love when games makes you think out of the box, and the way to progress is soo good, like for example, to have to go inside the furniture, that was soo cool and nicely thought, I could play games like these for hours!.

My computer was crying the whole game and would have been nice to have some background music and a bit of graphics but overall I liked it, nice done!.


Thank you!, I'm glad you failed hahaha.

Noted, thank you!


This is one of the genres of video games that I love, I always liked games where you start slow and build up more and more.

Graphic-wise is simple but effective, your type of game and the graphics fit very well together.

I also liked the sound effects, they are not annoying at all and they complement with the art style.

At first I was a bit lost in what I was trying to achieve, but figured out quickly that I had to make money.

Maybe it would have helped to give information about at which price you bought something, because it is very difficult to remember how much I spend for every item I buy.

Good job!

Very well done, I really loved your game!. 

I was thinking about If I could think of something negative and give some helpful feedback but I can't for now .

The feeling of abandonment and being in a cave is nicely implemented, and I think the change of camera angle was a really nice touch.

Art style and sound was perfect fit for me, although I wasn't expecting the creature to be that way while inside the cave, I found it very funny and liked it a lot.

Nicely done!

Playing this game felt like taking some suspicious-looking mushrooms.

I really liked the idea behind your game, it's very interesting, the music playing isn't sad at all but gives you the feeling that something is wrong, which fits with what you are trying to achieve.

On the other hand, (I don't know if they are intended or not, but I will suposse they are not), I've been having black horizontal lines across all the map which caused the graphics to look unpleasant.

Also, I didn't really understand what the objective of the game was, I was unsure If I had completed the game or not, the screen where you are stuck is the end of the game right?

I love cozy and chill games like this one, nicely done!

I really liked the art-style and the music, they fit together perfectly, in my opinion

What I didn't like was that I had some trouble finding out where I could go through, would have helped a little more indication, and also, In the first map it happened to me that I was touching the ceiling a lot and it was a bit frustrating, maybe a little more height would have been perfect.

Congrats for your game!.

Thank you for the feedback!, I'll really look into it for my next project.

Thank you!, yeah, I learned that middle mouse button was not such a great idea haha, I'll have it in mind for next game.

This gave me some total war feels, and I'm totally into it. It is a bit chaotic but that's what makes it funny and entertaining, good job!.

I love the concept, it's a nice idea and fits perfectly with the theme. Good job!