I'm here because of BlerdyOtome! She featured Juniper in one of her Thrifty Gamin' posts, and the beautiful art and escapist premise drew me in.
Playing Juniper reminded me of a creative writing professor's adage: we learn more in the restriction of chains than in the comfort of loose sweaters. He was talking about writing, but the saying seems to apply very well here. As a participant in Only One Of Any Asset Visual Novel Jam, Juniper navigates an intimidating list of restrictions to create a truly gorgeous game. Every storytelling element pulls its weight to immerse the player. The background, Juniper's sprite, and the voice acting drip intrigue and grotesque anguish. Unrestricted elements like the UI and animation bring the dreamy, dank mood home to roost. The endings made me audibly gasp. I wish the titular Juniper the best, and I look forward to more of WickedWhite's work.