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A member registered Mar 01, 2015 · View creator page →

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yeah but yknow they could just push the button.

linuxbsd actually.

it would if the developer simply pressed the “export for linux” button.

ah good to know it’s not my gba being broken like your controls screen said :P

definitely looking good, was just a bit confused by smashing all the buttons like instructed and literally nothing ever happening except for “i guess i look over there now” and “uh pretty blue cone” ;)

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soooo i couldn’t find any link to feedback/bugreports/etc, just a heads up, in 04-Making-A-Basic-3D-Platformer-v0.4.0/03-Camera-Controls.html, section “Creating node variables” you claim:

The annotation @onready indicates that the variable being defined is a Node in the scene tree, and the script needs to wait for it to load.

which is factually wrong and might confuse a bunch of people without that prior knowledge, might wanna fix that.

@onready indicates that the variable assignment has to happen between _init and _ready. we have to indicate that due to the node being in the scene tree, but that’s not “what that indicates” (and especially in a beginner course you wanna be suuuuper careful about claims like “@onready tells it that this is a node”, plenty gdscript newbies already have issues wrapping their head around the Object inheritance vs Scene trees and “optional typing”).

I would instead write something along:

The annotation @onready indicates that the variable assignment happens at startup time (directly before _ready()). You’ll have to do this for any Node-related operations, because the scene tree only gets loaded at runtime.

Note also how the “variable being defined” isn’t in the scene tree at all (again, careful when it comes to terminology in a beginner’s tutorial, the variable “is” most definitely both “being declared” and residing “in” the script class, the value you assign to it however is a Node that’s not available at compiletime.)

you’ve given us 2 reasons not to, so why stop :P

so wait, what’s your point? are games only good if you don’t get them? interesting, everyone else plays them for fun yknow :’D

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yes, sorry, i marked the HTML5 version as android compatible, and i guess technically you could run that on android, but i didn't actually provide anything to run it with, and there's no touchscreen controls yet either. will "fix" by removing the android flag and when i've got some more content (currently pretty busy) i'll look into releasing a .apk build.

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yes exactly, that's the issue. unless you do that it tells you to buy games you already have.

since the store page already shows you the bundle (and asks you to also buy that again) they just need to add a "does the user have this bundle" check in addition to the failing "is it in their library" one.

i think the issue is my mouse claiming to be a controller because it can do some macro stuff for that, I've found a workaround which is essentially just revoking and restoring my access rights to the device node before/after playing it with a script.

got a bit of an issue where the game apparently thinks i have a controller connected, and even though Enter works when asked to "press start" and the arrow keys select things in the menu, i can't actually press enter on anything *in* the menu. is there a way to disable controller input from a config file?

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that should never happen and would be an issue you should take to the support then. we're talking about the opposite here: the store pages for games you've bought in the bundle don't know you own them and ask you to buy the bundle (and/or individual game) again.

also, just for the record, yes, OneShot is supposed to be in the bundle, and shows up, on my account, and at the time of writing this, on page 21, ymmv.

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the organizability or lack thereof, while an issue, isn't as bad as the fact it literally lies to you about owning the game though, which without any search on the bundle you can't even double check (except by literally comparing 750 titles on 25 pages), which is why i felt it important to emphasize.

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firstly, thanks for this great bundle with great games for a great cause.

that said, my main issues with the current setup are:

  • that, unlike the library, the bundle download page isn't searchable
  • and going on a game's "store page" (e.g. from the search) it does not show any hint as to me owning the game already (via the bundle), but instead asks me to buy either the bundle or the game, and doesn't even acknowledge the fact i already have it in the purchase dialog but happily lets me spend multiple times on the already owned game.

so while not flooding the library sounds like a good thing, it also prevents one from actually seeing they already own a game, unless they manually click through 25+ pages on the bundle download page. this pretty much forces (from a UX perspective) people to either run a spammy javascript a million times over, click loads of buttons by hand, or be "tricked" (not on purpose i assume) into buying the games multiple times over.

tl;dr: the "you already own this game" banner (which currently only shows up after a game is added to the library) should definitely check for "hidden" games owned via a bundle.

also, in the long term, please provide a "add this whole bundle to my library" button (or a setting in the account settings/etc) for people who don't mind their library being flooded, because I (and judging from the comments here also lots of others) would just rather like to have a big library they can easily search using the or 3rd party clients/APIs instead of the website hiding things from them for convenience. don't get me wrong, i totally understand why you didn't want to spam people (and presumably your database), but some do want that, even if just for the "ease of mind" of knowing the games won't accidentally vanish when the bundle ends (have seen that question a bunch), and of knowing they won't accidentally buy them multiple times, and also just the convenience of library searchability and knowing you don't have to hunt down owned items in bundles.

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hey, really great tileset, i'm using it as a basis (well currently it's like 99% of the assets, but i'm in prototype phase, so that's gonna change, i'm planning to make my own assets using your palette while i go along) for my upcoming platformer. amazing work and the "do what you want" license is really helping me out here as someone who has literally not sold a single game so far :P

well, oculus works just as well on lin and mac, you just don't get their fancy sdk

so this game has one zip file running on no OSes? how is it supposed to work? pdf to print out and burn to get the glowing particles? please, fix your specs 0.o