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A member registered Dec 16, 2022 · View creator page →

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we can try. write your Discord

i have a personal Discord, but what do you need it for? you must understand it is difficult for us to communicate in english(

sry, that art is unavailable in demo. in v3 it was accidentally made available, but it still doesn't exist in the game folder. we'll fix it in v4

right, thanks for the idea!

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it's confidence. I just don't know how else to draw it

btw, it's an important indicator. it determines the availability of many actions, including the seduction of girls

it's possible. but I'll have to discuss it with my artist

hm. does our other game run for you? otherwise you can just download the game

yes, there will probably be +1 optional futa and +3 girls in the next version

the scene with her is still being drawn, but she's a slippery plump transparent woman with big booba and wet pussy

well spotted. perhaps she'll become an optional futa character

а это идея! спасибо. и тогда еще сделаю подсказку/намек в недоступных диалогах по разблокировке

ок, просто для прохождения пока достаточно wasd
а так shift - бег, space - защита от нечисти магическим кругом как в Вий Гоголя (в след версиях пригодится)

ok we will try to fix it

yea, this item in the game is called "scroll of re-generation". it completely procedurally recreates the location

no. 3rd screenshot is just sex with some whore. the main characters will never cheat on the player

keyboard controls were already added in v5: WASD - move, E - action menu, Q - skip, ESC - close image/action menu

but okay, I'll think about changing it in v6

thank you! the soundtrack will be fixed, and as for the lewd scenes and girls: everything is ahead)


thanks, fixed! check on game page

ok, in the next version I will add keyboard controls

ok, I'll try

fixed! check v5.1 / v4.4

thanks, we'll fix it and post a patch tomorrow

are you using win11 and amd? in any case, update your drivers and disable your antivirus, it helps a lot of people
if it doesn't help, let us know

I agree, I (Dianus - Hornienfeld tester) also encounter this all the time when playing the game. the narrative is probably too dynamic, but Azuma (developer) says it's a feature... also the grammar is bad, but we'll try to fix it. so i think you should just enjoy the game (if possible) even if something slips away

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thanks for your help, I didn't even think players would help me with graphics)

ye, good idea. I was gonna do it, but I put it off for some reason. I'll definitely do it someday

yes, we are already planning to add custom controls in v5, thanks for your feedback

thank you! it looks pretty nice in the game
but now the guide button doesn't look good... )

thanks! btw, a rest event is already there, just with a small chance, after which Emmy will be attacked by the morning mucus... (furry pet will save her from it in future versions)

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influence game development
send your maps to add to the game or influence my maps (send link to file from file sharing)

(non)human desires community · Created a new topic Issues
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bug? — write about it and i'll try to fix it in the next version
crash? — check log.txt and paste text here