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A member registered Jan 12, 2023 · View creator page →

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Reposting a comment I left on the video that introduced me to this game:

Returned to thank you: I discovered BABBDI through this video and it has had a profound influence on me.

It's hard to put the atmosphere of this game into words. It's at once abandoned and inhabited, strange and familiar...

It seems like one of the strangest dreams I've had, except it's been brought into physical reality as a work of art.

It feels like a rough sketch / prototype and yet due to being vague and dreamlike, it's exactly the right level of detail.

i found a workaround for this, you must leap into the void and while you are falling into the void, the camera will be far enough to light the platform, which causes it to reset

Came to report the same bug. I just get the music and then I can't do anything anymore. I'll just restart the game though, because it's quite short and I did enjoy it :)

Great idea and well made.
I think I found a bug: the spring platform is affected by the variable jump cuttoff. Turn the jump cutoff slider all the way up and the spring barely gives you any height.

Hahah, great idea. I hadn't thought of adding more stuff.
I wonder if there's a way to "unlock" additional layers of the ecosystem, so the player isn't overwhelmed at the start.
Or maybe that would be better for a tutorial mode, and better to give a player access to everything in the normal game.

This is hilarious. Great work.
Some suggestions: Skip intro automatically after the first playthrough (maybe also skip the cutscene where the FIB arrives, or make it a bit shorter, at least after the first play.)
Also FIB seems to damage me very quickly, but perhaps that is just a skill issue on my end.

Cute game! A lot of interesting mechanics on display here, and they work really well together.

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I did 2 jams this month and the main lesson I learned is that I should get feedback long before the deadline, because you're "too close" to your work to see it objectively, and an outside perspective will snap you back to reality.
There's just so many obvious things I hadn't even thought of. 
(So I started writing them down as a checklist for next time. Like "ability to restart the game", lol.)
But most of them will be specific to the particulars of the game design.

Cute game! I enjoyed it.
Some feedback:
- Touching wrong color bin shouldn't end the game instantly. (Add lives?)
In my opinion, it shouldn't end the game at all. It should just not accept the garbage.
A middle ground would be adding some kind of punishment for recycling incorrectly.
So it could make you lose points, or lives.
- Every time I start the game I have to skip through the intro. You could add a skipped_intro boolean  or something. (I'm not sure how that works with visual programming, if you used that, sorry!)
- There is no indication of which color trash I picked up (am I not holding it in my hand?) and I'm not sure if that was intentionally a memory puzzle or just you didn't implement that. Sometimes I'll accidentally pick up some random trash and I won't know what it was, and then my only option is to guess what color it was which is pretty much a guaranteed game over. (You can find out what color it was by walking around and hoping there's trash of the same color that gets picked up.. but yeah)
- Enemy crab looks identical to player
Not really an problem but it's just a bit weird / confusing. Should at least change their color or something.
Hope this helps!
regards, andai

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Thanks! Yeah, it's not well balanced unfortunately.
I might come back to this and expand it.
I'm currently in the phase "make many small games to see what kind of games I like making."

EDIT: adding AI to the rabbits, which should change the whole dynamic

Thank you! I appreciate the feedback.

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Thank you. It is true, the game is not well balanced yet. 
I started developing this morning so I didn't have much time to playtest it XD
Notably, the bunnies don't have AI, so the foxes eat them too quickly.
It was indeed the goal to allow the player to create an indefinite balance.
It should be pretty simple to add it*, I just ran out of time.
Thanks for the feedback.

(*Perhaps the simplest solution would be to write a genetic algorithm to mutate my game, optimizing for Score. Hahah.

By "simple" I mean "just adjust some parameters". However the parameters are exponential and there is a multi-dimensional search space!)
