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A member registered May 21, 2020

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Thank you for all your dedication to this project up to this point, including the days until release! I definitely appreciate you taking the time to make this the best you can, even after getting gut punched by a wide variety of "fun" issues. Looking forward to this and the next thing you release! And the thing after that, too!

I'm a Mac user who's willing to test the new version of the game! If it's a free thing, I can do it immediately, and if I have to pay for it still, I can do it by Friday! Working on Mac OS Ventura 13.6.9, for reference.


I believe the correct term of use here is "YIPPEE!"

Howdy boss! I'm seeing a lot of folks here asking for an android port, but if you could make a version that runs on Mac, I'd be mighty grateful.

Hey boss! Wanted to let you know, there's a minor typo at the size between 45-49 feet, I don't remember what it was exactly, but there was a word with the number 6 in it.

EXCELLENT news! Here's to hearing from you here when we hear from you next!

I can confirm after trying it, the game runs in Safari.

Just the bog standard Chrome, but I'm running it on a Mac, if that changes anything.

Hey boss! wanted to let you know, tried to run this, and it spat out "WebGL context lost, please reload the page" and reloading didn't help.


(I can confirm it runs)

Hell yeah boss! Not much to say other than "Sorry you got hacked, glad it wasn't permanent." Looking forward to further progress on development!

Excellent news! Also, don't feel bad if it takes a smidge longer than a week, just knowing an update is in the pipeline, coming soon™ is enough for me!

I believe you can also change the file from an EXE to an APP to get it to run on mac, but that's hearsay, as I'm not a dev. Either way, thank you for looking into it and getting back to me!

Don't worry boss! I tried again and either I'm a fool or my mouse decided it didn't want to before, worked just fine now.

Hey boss! Bit of a weird question, but I figured asking lets other people know too: How do you operate the drink making minigame? Booted up for the first time on my Mac and got to making the first drink, only to try clicking on the ingredients, clicking on the NAME of the ingredients, and dragging them to the shaker, all with no visual success. This might be more suited to the bugs thread, but I don't know if it's really a bug or I'm simply VERY dumb.

Hey boss! Tested out the new control scheme, and it improved my time immensely! I'm no professional, but 8 minutes flat FEELS like a good time :) I did hit the snag of "Ah, my free click was a three, guess I'll die" but that happens sometimes. The OTHER mine is straight up me being bad at counting though LMAO

WONDERFUL NEWS! Thank you for taking the time out to add that, I'm sure others will appreciate it as well.

EXCELLENT! I'd just gotten around to playing 0.2, and 0.3 drops while it's till fresh!

Thanks for the update, boss! No worries about things taking time, it's what things are famous for doing. As long as you work at a comfortable, consistent pace, Bumps & Brews will become a fully fledge 1.0 game in no time at all.

Hey boss! Now that Jam Crunch is over, what are the chances we get a Mac port for this? It looks incredibly fun, and I'd love to be able to take this game for a spin!

No problem boss! Everyone's gotta make sacrifices for success and happiness. Being made aware ahead of time is WAY better than "Sorry I've been gone for months, I was working"

Hey boss! Wanted to let you know that the Mac download of this game runs SMOOTH! The window does open a bit small, but that's simple to fix.

THE KING HAS SPOKEN! THE GAME IS BASED! (and also it's surprisingly fun for such a simple idea, plus the gags are HILARIOUS)

Hey boss! It's neat that this minesweeper works by making you flag all of the mines instead of reveal all of the non mines, but on trackpad it's hard to right click. Is there any way you could implement a way to press a key while hovering over a tile to also flag it?

How the Breast Was Won, HA! That's good, can't wait to try it out.

Hey boss! A bit of a big ask, but this looks like great fun and I'd love to play it. Do you think you could squeeze a mac port somewhere into your timeline? It'd mean a lot to me and the approximately SEVEN other mac users ^-^

On the fact that this is a jam game and you've got not only a Windows but also a Mac version available for download has me IMPRESSED. There are a fair few bugs to be found, but for a demo, ESPECIALLY a game jam demo, this is some damn fine work.

Hey Korin! It takes a lot of bravery to join a game jam and I'm proud of the fact that you did so well. Looking forward to what you and the rest of Go-Yukkuri make!

Hey boss! Played through the whole game once and enjoyed it immensely! Looking forward to when it's all the way done, with hopes there'll be a version for various platforms, as well as a save function. Playing through a choice based game without being able to go back was a new and interesting experience, but not one I'd have more than once per game. Tally Ho!

upward facing mouth shark goes HARD

Aha, gotcha gotcha. No worries chum! I've never used itch to release a game myself, but I can't imagine it's too simple. Here's hoping we do get a Mac version in the future!

A Gamejam game with a working Mac AND Linux version? Be still my beating HEART!

oooo, we have a Windows and an Android release, chances seem good that there's a Mac version in the pipeline!

Okie doke! I'll see about getting WINE set up then, thanks for responding! A lot of folks don't :(

Do you think we could get a Mac version as well? I'm more than happy to wait until the Jam ends for it, since it can be a bit of an ordeal.

Simple, yet very fun! Keep up the good work!

(1 edit)

MAC BUILD HELL YEAH! (I'll let you know if it works or not)

EDIT: Oh it works alright, played through the whole demo, had a whale of a time.  Keep up the good work! 

Heya! Just finished the game to the best of my ability (trying out different combinations of actions to see how much things change, as well as the differences in the ending sequence based on sizes) and I've got to say, this was incredible! It's worth mentioning, I loaded my save file from the last time I'd played and when I went into the final area, moving to look at either the sphere or the tube spat out an error code, but starting from the beginning didn't seem to do that. Who knows, this might even already be fixed in 1.6.1, but there's no harm in letting you know :)