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Nordic Nugz

A member registered Mar 08, 2017

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I'm loving this game. I have a few, suggestions/questions.

1. What is the AI time limits based on? I feel like sometimes there's just not enough time to build what I need to, even though I have most stuff in stock.

2. I've already seen this somewhere, but I'd like to give it some more love. Make it so you can "snap" weapons to the weapon slots above your door. So that when a customer comes in they can pay and take it immediately. Although, first you'd have to fix the glitch where everything falls apart when you relog. lol

3. I haven't tested this past the tin material yet, but it seemed to me that you don't get an experience boost when you sell items made with better materials. If i'm correct and this is the case, I think that would be a fantastic edition to the game.

Thank you for reading.

Also, I'm running the latest version.


Fun Game so far! I've run into a few problems in succession, However.

#1. I'm having a hard time trying to get an AI to accept a weapon that was premade and already sitting close by on the counter. Example: Great hammer sitting on counter close by, AI walks in and asks for Great Hammer, I pick up hammer and place it directly in front of AI. They don't pick it up, time runs out, they leave. Quite frustrating to say the least.

# I've had this issue twice now and I can only fix it by restarting the program. I missed the first two AI of the day (because of this first issue) and then suddenly, I don't get anymore AI coming in...I've waited up to 2 in game days without a single AI. IDK if this is intentional, but it's frustrating.

thank you! Can't wait for the next update.