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Fun Game so far! I've run into a few problems in succession, However.

#1. I'm having a hard time trying to get an AI to accept a weapon that was premade and already sitting close by on the counter. Example: Great hammer sitting on counter close by, AI walks in and asks for Great Hammer, I pick up hammer and place it directly in front of AI. They don't pick it up, time runs out, they leave. Quite frustrating to say the least.

# I've had this issue twice now and I can only fix it by restarting the program. I missed the first two AI of the day (because of this first issue) and then suddenly, I don't get anymore AI coming in...I've waited up to 2 in game days without a single AI. IDK if this is intentional, but it's frustrating.

thank you! Can't wait for the next update.

Also, I'm running the latest version.


#1: The AI don't seem to notice weapons that you haven't given to them, and in order for the AI to notice them, it has to be outside of, and then enter their 'detection radius'. (So take the weapon off the table, turn around with it and give it back to them)

#2: Sometimes an AI will get stuck, preventing further AI spawns. Usually closing your shop (clicking on the door sign) will reset their pathfinding and let them leave, but if that fails you can walk up to them and push them around.

A temporary fix to #2: If you save, select sandbox mode, and then return to shop mode, the AI in question will be gone and you can continue business as usual!

I have run into that issue where the AI won't take the item in hand. I haven't tried the turning around, but I have found that dropping it on the ground, and then repicking it up makes them notice it as well.