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A member registered Nov 29, 2016 · View creator page →

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Hey first of all great job on attending to a game jam! I Hope people's comments won't discourage you from attending to other game jams and from continuing your journey of making games. I want to let you know that no matter how good your game is, you'll still get negative comments and I know how they make you feel. It's okay to feel upset about them! I do too! But instead of being just upset you should use them as a driving force to make better games and you'll see there will be less and less negative comments on your future games. 

Saying all that, and regarding you're new to making games and probably to game jams as well I wanted to point out few things and give you some tips for your future game jams!

  • I noticed your download file was uploaded 19 days ago. In game jams we make games within the given time frame. Submitting a pre-existing game is against the rules but most importantly against the idea behind the game jam concept.
  • But how do you make a game within the time frame?
    • Try to come up with mechanics that reflects the theme clearly within the first couple hours after the start.
    • Start the development as soon as you come up with 2 or 3 cool mechanics.
    • Avoid trying to find or tell deep meaningful stories, people will play it for 5-10mins tops. So try to focus on the gameplay and fun!
    • A game that has 5-10 mins of gameplay is more than enough for a game jam.
    • Sleep! Instead of staying up all night trying to solve that bug and probably creating more bugs along the way due to lack of sleep, go get some sleep and solve it with a rested and clear mind.
    • Use free assets if your team doesn't have an artist or an audio guy! And tell people you used ready assets or audio in your game's page if you did.
    • Spare some time for play testing! 
    • And have fun!
  • Every game jam has a theme that's announced at the start. You're required to make a game interpreting the theme in your way. It can sound very limiting but limitations drives the creativity. Also a great tool and opportunity to work on your creativity.
  • Game jams are about learning, experimenting and making new connections. So keep trying new things, experiment with different mechanics etc. and use the community section to find yourself a team! I highly suggest you try to find yourself a team for your next jam, you'll learn so much from each other.
  • Here are some youtube channels about making games that will teach you a lot!
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If remember correctly (it's been 3 days since I played it :D) the camera movement was scrolling on a certain speed, it was taking a lot from the action and speed of the game. Controls were super fun and it made me wanna go fast and fight a lot of enemies simultaneously, dodging projectiles etc. I wish it could be more action packed with a little bit more space to move around. Level design was too limiting for such fun movement mechanics :( . Also I would love to see some different mechanics from the enemies. I mean there was some variety, like red ones were chasing me and the yellow ones doing a specific movement routine (I can't remember what blue ones did :( ) but it didn't spice things up enough. I guess what I'm trying to say is the mechanics made me feel in a certain way and the level / game design around it didn't match with it that well, limiting the fun factor instead of elevating it further. It was still fun to play the game and I actually played through all the levels and have beaten the game ^^. 

I hope my comments won't upset or offend any of the team members, I don't mean that the level or game design was bad in any way but it could match the mechanics better. Most people think having more people on deck makes things easier for these game jams. However I know from many personal experiences that it makes things much more complicated, slow and chaotic at times. It's really difficult to set a clear vision for the project and be on the same page with the whole team given the time frame, especially if the team is remote. I wanted to point it out and say you guys were still able manage the chaos well to put everything together in a successful way because your game was actually fun!

Played and rated your game!

Oh I didn't realize that, I'll definitely replay and update my rating ^^

This game was really fun to play start to finish. I liked the puzzles, they were cleverly designed around the mechanics. I wish I could see some indicators on the screen regarding how many times I can jump at that moment but lacking of an indicator also made me count in my head so I thought this might be a design choice. I hoped the game was a little longer since I really enjoyed playing it! Also it was really fun when I discovered I could surf the box :D Good job!

I rated your game!

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Rated & commented on your game!

I really like the idea, however I thought it would be much more fun if we did more than just clicking. For example if we could maybe try to balance iceberg by moving the penguins. My biggest issue was the ice blocks getting destroyed way faster than the ice blocks' spawn rate. This could be a really really fun game with some new mechanics that involves the player into the gameplay loop a bit more. Art style was really nice and the ambience you created is very calming. Overall I enjoyed the game and finished it! Here's my score!

Rated & commented!

Good entry.

  • Solid mechanics.
  • Nice music and audio.
  • Simple yet pleasing art style. 
  • Great job with teaching the mechanics!

This reminded me the first jam game I ever made! Great job on the environment, lighting and the movement mechanics. It feels really solid. I would like to maybe see more challenging puzzles but I'm surprised by the work you were able to put together in such short amount of time. Voice acting was a nice touch. I also spotted cleverly hidden  "3... 2.. 1." references. Overall it's a successful jam game! Good job :)

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I already rated & commented on your game <3

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Just finished your game & rated! Do you want me to give you a feedback on game's page?

Hahaha same here, I had to try so many times until I finished my own game! But it felt so rewarding .d

I'm trying to rate and comment as many games as possible. If you want me to rate  your game please leave a link here and tell me if you want me to give you a feedback on your rate page or not :)

I'm gonna actually play your games and try to finish them properly so I can give a fair rating and feedback. Please also play & rate my game here! Feedback is much appreciated.
Play it here > Cyber Vector

Here's how we interpreted the theme:
Player shoots 3 vertices, 2 vertices and 1 vertex in sequence. After 3 seconds those vertices will come to a stop and form a geometric shape ability. 3 Vertices forms a triangle that kills, 2 vertices forms a line that heals and a single vertex will form a void that pulls. You can jump over the lines, enemies and projectiles. You can also jump outside the mainframe and stay there for 3 seconds. You win the game if you can survive 3 Minutes.

Here's a little glimpse of how the game looks like.

I cannot emphasize enough how much I love Cosmo The Star! The cutest of this jam! Great and solid gameplay mechanics, it feels so much fun to do platforming I wished there was more!

Omg this game is really tricky and clever! Good job! I couldn't pass the 3rd level tho :(

Fun to play! It needs a little polishing to be a great submission gameplay wise. Good job! Gonna try to beat the game again now!

That was something I also considered, having control over when the shape will form... But if I gave the control to the player I had two options, either player had to form a shape before they shoot again or all the vertices would form their corresponding shapes when player triggered it. Going with first option, the game had to have a slower pace. Going with the second option, it could be very annoying when all the vertices in the main frame at the same time when you trigger it, also could be abused very easily. I wanted player to feel powerful but also be mindful of their actions and consequences of them in a very high paced action scenario. 

Sorry to hear that you got sick and couldn't work on the game :( Hope you get better soon! I'm not gonna rate your game since it's clearly far away from what you imagined. However, if you finish it I'll certainly come and check it. I really like tower defense games!

Congratz on your first ever finished game! I know how it feels and you deserve it big time! Nice touch with the leaderboard it triggers my competitiveness. As you pointed out it could benefit a lot from some polishing but the gameplay is rock solid! Well done!

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Oh wow! This is one of most successful and creative implementations of the main and the optional theme! And I can't believe we both approached to it with a similar concept using vertices, you should definitely check our game too btw.

I think your game was pretty intuitive and easy to understand after a couple tries, you didn't even have to explain the mechanics in the game page so detailed. Game design was well made and it was super fun to play. I only tried playing it in Hard mode and thought the difficulty was very fair and enjoyable. I also liked how you added the power ups and the recovery mechanics. 

It was a difficult task to put geometric shapes and "3... 2.. 1." theme together in a meaningful way and reflect it to the game mechanics. You guys nailed it! Totally deserves high scores for gameplay, creativity and theme!

I've read in one of your replies that you guys are new to the game jams, I hope you keep attending to game jams and learn to push your limits further each time!

Overall my opinion is that the game could feel so much better with a little polishing but I know how hard it is to spare time for that. Keep up the good work!

Oh here's my highest score on Hard!

Oh wow I really liked the feel of the level transitions and I can tell you have a good eye for the design. You created a very successful atmosphere and it sets up to mood so well for a game like yours. There were some show stopper issues with the mechanics and instructions, however I can clearly see your vision and what you tried to achieve with the game. Overall, colors, patterns, transitions animations and use of effects compliments each other so well, it makes me wanna beat the level to get that enjoyment out of pressing the next button. Well done!

Hey congrats! It's a very cool idea and a nice a prototype that can be turned into a great game! My only feedback is that I'd enjoy a more precise movement a little bit better but of course it depends on where are you planning to take this idea to and what kind of aesthetics you are aiming for for the player. Keep it up!

This is a very interesting take on the theme, I enjoyed playing it a lot! I'm a very competitive person in making game so I played many times but my best overall score was 3.57 :( If you plan to work on this project further maybe you could consider introducing minigames for each category and give player a freedom to play any of them until the day ends and depending on their score in the minigame they get better points for the categories. That way player would feel more involved and immersed! Overall really nice game, keep it up!

One of the most fun games I've played so far in this jam! Great job guys! It's probably nothing impressive but here's my highest score!

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Nice animations and particle effects, the post processing effects like the blur and then the camera shake can get a little too much and makes it hard to look at after a while. However, overall it's a very enjoyable game, it's especially amazing that you implemented a very detailed upgrade system and 3 different characters. Keep up the good work!

Yoooo! I got to the good ending! I loved your game, it was super chill and super fun  to harvest, gather bugs and shoot them to destroy space rocks. I'd enjoy it even more if we could move a bit faster but you cannot move so fast on a strange planet when you're a super cute astronaut carrot I guess.

It's amazing how many levels and clever puzzles you came with in such a short amount of time frame! The controls were a little rough to understand but it didn't stop me from playing through all the levels. Keep up the good work!

Ah the visuals! I loved the vibes that game gave me, I wish it also gave me some tips about what was I supposed to do at the beginning haha. Amazing job with setting up the mood so well with the audio and aesthetics! 

Amazing art! Simple and easy to understand gameplay loop. Mechanics could be spiced up a little bit maybe, instead of just holding the keys we could maybe be required to press them with correct timing. Overall I really enjoyed the game, you should make more games with your stunning art style!

I really appreciate the creativity and the implementation of the theme on this one! I wish I could see the whole area so I could observe the ghosts' movement and the exit so I could plan my moves better. I couldn't finish your game yet so now I'm getting back at it! Great job!

I love local local multiplayer games and this one is very well executed. Great Job guys!

I'll be back when it's fixed!

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Grappling hook mechanic is really fun, camera movement makes things kinda funky but overall really nice entry for the jam!

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I'm sad to hear that you thought the theme was superficially implemented, I wanted to combine the optional geometry theme with the "3... 2.. 1." main theme. And the dots used between numbers inspired me so I thought we could be shooting vertices in 3, 2, 1 sequence to form geometric shapes with different effects. Vertex is the fundamental building block of any geometric shape so 3 vertices (dots) forms a triangle, 2 vertices (dots) forms a line and a single vertex (dot) creates a void. It's good that you enjoyed the game tho!

So nice to hear you thought the difficulty was fair btw. I was afraid it might be too difficult but when we play tested it with friends everyone were able beat it at least a time :D

Thank you for your comments! ^^

I was able to beat it only a couple times .d

I like chaos