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A member registered Feb 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Had a blast playing this, its pretty informal and combat works faster than a typical game, and the lore is cool

Absolutely, taking out chance becomes just a game of card counting.

I've ran far too many games where under mob mentality all players mass voted to eject a player for literally no reason. The point of the game is distrust and backstabbing, in theory the idea is good but in practice just becomes another aspect of inherently nasty gameplay. Maybe host has chance to veto a vote or something, idk. It'd need ironed the hell out of it.

I've ran far too many games where mob mentality mass voted to eject a player for absolutely no reason. Good idea, but in practice would need more ironed out

(3 edits)

How exactly it covers? I'm not saying the account system is bad idea, I'm only uncertain how it applies here. I was pretty clear on the issue, ie, not being able to ban. At the time of playing accounts not been implemented which is why I bring it up as an example of consequence. I had to quit out of a game (and thus) lost all my players. A game forcing you to repeatedly stop playing in order to have a "good experience" alone (regardless of extra consequences) is a bad game imho.

The issue of the dimensions is still a problem to me, albeit not one of as much importance. Compatibility ought to have been thought of, at least some sort of aspect ratio or something, but I can see it as a responsibility I have the ability to work around (ie getting desktop version), whereas the first example I do not.

As I said above, online games, doubly so ones with open chat, need to have better moderation support than this. It should have been one of the first things they had thought of. To think that everyone playing the game would be angels or that everyone playing wouldn't mind seeing some of the most hateful words in language is naive at best. Whether bad design or glitch, a problem is still a problem that needs to be addressed better than being able to have "friends" or "just play private".

This is a serious issue.

Fix kick/ban not an option when dead. I was hosting and got spammed by nazis, but couldn't kick because I was dead. I had to exit and lost a lot of good players.

While it may be a dimension compatibility issue with my phone, but when 9 or 10 players are playing I also can't kick/ban because the button is over my text box and would always open my keyboard.

Online games should have a better moderation support than this. Playing online left a sour experience with me and I only play private with friends now because of it. I don't feel comfortable recommending the game anymore. Please fix this.

This is a serious flaw.

(1 edit)

nazis spammed while I was hosting but couldnt kick because I was dead. Hosts should be able to kick when dead.

Update: Can't kick when playing with 9 or 10 people because kick button is over the text bar and would always open chat.

I'm changing my review here, the first one was pretty meme-y, and I don't think that really does it justice.

Honestly, the content and quality here is phenomenal. There's a certain reverence and vulnerability in it that speaks well of and from the community it comes from. The essays and works are strong and emotion and it's worth spending a few minutes to really look at each of them. I did genuinely get emotional, tears I guess, at a few essays and images, and I think that they'll stick in my mind for quite a long time to come.

There are things I keep to myself that I see on the pages of this zine, and it really brings out a certain vulnerability in the reader to actually look through. It's worth spending money and time on. It's strange, it's vibrant, incomprehensible. I really value the effort put into compiling this, and I hope that appreciation can be passed on.