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A member registered Oct 11, 2019

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It'd be cool if there was a mode where you were a shark and you eat the Mermaids who try to eat you. 

Would the sequel be named Hungry Mermaid Cruise 2 or Too Hungry Mermaid Cruise?

(4 edits)

 I found a bug when the game first came out, just hold left mouse click as soon the quick draw instructions ends/it fades to black (left click to end it, then hold left click) and you'll win every shoot out onwards (if you continue holding the left click, I don't think spacebar works for it)

Alternatively, you can just shoot the scarecrow and hold the left click for the rest of the game and that would also work.

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Better update but I came to the problem that I suck at the game and can only reach about 990. That's on me though.

Alright, after an hour I was able to get past 1000. But still, the shark comes too frequently and grows too rapidly.

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I've not made it past 42 points in the newest update the shark will follow where I go after some time passes. (Well in the demo version, downloaded the wrong zip.) Even after getting the right download, I can't make it past 750 because the shark keep coming every 5 seconds. And even though I hadn't eaten a single shark it's usually bigger than me. It starts off with the smallest and then it gets right to the biggest after a minute. Also I've been able to eat Eels when they are shocking and still get the power up (sometimes). 

I think the Cajun fish power up should work on the shark, at the very least the smaller ones. I don't think any other suggestion is needed for the power up. 

I feel that eel power up is rather lackluster because it only helps horizontally not vertically and I end up using it accidently more than purposely and either way get eaten. Possibly instead of double clicking it could be assigned to a different command, possibly the right mouse click or a letter key. I would suggest that the eel could  stun the character for a second if not eaten at the right moment. But I don't know what else you have planned for power ups so it may interfere with ideas you're having. 

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The text happens/appears if I accept and get the totem/Belial, not the bad ending if that helps any. 

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I think I have a similar problem. Started a new game, went all the way to the end and it just skips the animation with the owner. I did the refusal ending and also the ending where you accept the totem and have the dream. It gives me the text about that it's gonna show me the owner x meli animation but if I click it'll go the main menu but it doesn't show me the animation and when I click it puts me in the main menu.