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A member registered Dec 24, 2021

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Im fine with the update taking long as long its not canceled and actually good. Ive had a blast with the game so far and it would be a shame for it to be ruined with a sloppy rushed update

I unlocked sandbox after 30 days in the story mode. I dont know if thats relevant, but I had all settings at default, including the funny settings off. 

The developer did not really invent this type of gameplay, he even stated in the description that they themed it after the game "I'm on observation duty".

I really recommend the I'm on observation duty games, they're really fun.

Computer Science major here. I checked the files, there is nothing stinky in there. The "Trojan" part from the warning you get is included by windows defender automatically. Doesn't immediately mean that its a trojan

Another German here. Can you send me the steam keys for both games? I would much appreciate it <3 My SteamID: 76561198432795394 And just in case also my friend code: 472529666

Another German here. Can you send me the steam keys for both games? I would much appreciate it <3 My SteamID: 76561198432795394 And just in case also my friend code: 472529666