Strange, you should just lose, but it has been a while since Iooked at that mechanic. It is somewhat under-baked, and is scheduled for an overhaul in V0.8.0
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Well, you got me stumped there. Might be that the emulator is refusing the HTML storage calls for some reason, but if it isn't kicking up an error, there is little I can do. I do not know if Joiplay has a desktop mode for HTML pages, but if it has one, you can use that to download a save as a file, and also try if you can upload it to another path / or the one hosted on the web, but other than that, if have little to go on. Joiplay does not seem to have an error console, so there isn't a way to see what is going wrong
Thank you, glad to hear you liked it.
There is a little bit more explanation on the Discord, but in short: You must start up the game, go into the translation page in the start menu, and export the current translation first. This will make an english.csv file in the installation folder (raw text spreadsheet, for excel and google docs)
Thank you, glad you liked it~. As for your questions, save files will work across versions, yes, you will not have to start over. More body morphing potions are already in development, and HSB slider would be..., not impossible but might cause some undesired consequences (i will put it on the suggested features list)
Good stuff takes time to make. I only have one pair of hands, and the internals of Lordling are complex. I am always working on new content, but if you want to see stuff come out faster, you can subscribe to my Patreon. The more money I get there, the less I have to work on the side in order to stay alive, and the more time I can spent working on Lordling
She should be in the top left (, you should access the underground using the entrance at the bottom of Orcmin labs, not the above ground one