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A member registered Apr 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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The game looks nice. I like how the two characters control is easy to play alone. I like how hectic it gets when both characters have to do their obligations, not to mention maintaining the furnace. Great game.

Great concept idea and great level design. I like how you incorporate the player size changes into level design. But the hitboxes are pretty weird sometimes, like if you walk up to the log near the water in the cave you actually die. And it seems dying by timeout in the cave softlocks the game. I like how there are many ways that the player can complete the game. Great game.

Great concept. I can see the game being really fun when the control bugs get fixed. I like how you can make snowmen and make them fight for you.  Nice job.

I had fun playing the game. The game looks cute. The sounds are also nice. The indicators on what is coming in which lane are great, since the box fall speed varies, which allow the game to be more difficult without being unfair. Great game.

I had fun playing the game. The game looks cute. The sounds are also nice. The indicators on what is coming in which lane are great, since the box fall speed varies, which allow the game to be more difficult without being unfair. Great game.

The game is very cute. I like the snowballs' faces. It's really nice to roll around with all the snowball friends. Good game.

Cute little game. The speed is way too fast for me. Many chickens were hurt in the making of the review. Good game.

Visually stunning. The sounds are also very great. Beautiful game.

The game looks great. Perfectly capture the cozy winter vibes. The dialogues are funny but would be better if they reveal more quickly or if there is a way to skip the revealing animation. The snowman customization is good. There are so much content for a demo made in 3 days. My name is Yes now apparently. Great game

Sincerely, Yes

Great level design and game mechanic. It's great how we can use the snowball as either a platform, a jump boost or the objective. The overall look of the game is really nice. It's a bit hard to know if the snow patch will make a medium or small snowball sometime. The control is actually satisfying once you get used to it. Amazing game.

Thank you for playing our game!

The puzzles are very nice. The visual look good. Great idea, excellent execution.

Nice game idea. The toasting hitbox could be better and the multiplier decay very quickly. I like the looks of the game. I had fun playing the game. Great game.

The game is really cozy and satisfying. The gameplay is nice. I feel that the green spark is hard to discern from the yellow spark. And some time the spark would spawn behind the furnace pipe which I can't walk through. Really nice visual, it is pleasing to look at for the entire duration to the game. Great game.

Thank you for playing our game! There is a timer on the top left, it is a bit hard to see and we are sorry for that.

I really like how the game looks, the 2.5d design is candy to the eye. The sounds are also really nice. The puzzles are not too easy and not too hard, the perfect balance for fun. The game's overall theme fit the cozy winter vibes very well. Amazing game.

The game is choppy. I like how the game looks and the story of the game. I wasn't able to get to top, but I can say this is a good game.

The game is challenging, but not too frustrating. I won't even know that I can wall jump if I didn't read the others' comments. It's hard to see the ground when you jump up high. I like how snowballs changes the snowman size and jump height, which make traversing back and forth in a stage feel not boring at all. It would be nice if the BGM looped. I like how the game looks, especially the snowman's animation. Great game.

Thank you for your feedbacks and suggestions. Sorry about the timer. We forgot to consider the visibility of it. We will definitely improve the visibility if we update the game in the future.

I had fun playing the game. I think some sound when skiing would be nice. The camera shakes a lot during the lift animation. And I would get teleport back to the start after skiing for a bit the first time I enter a stage. I like how there are many outfits and skis to customize the player with. The gameplay is good. The visuals are really great. Great game.

I love how the game looks and sounds. I can see this game being really good once you get the customer to work.

The game is very cute. The characters are very lovable. I think some music would make the game even better. Great job.

The gameplay is simple and fun. The game looks cute. Great game.

The game is very cute. I like how people appear in the foreground when you do tricks. It seems jumping without using the ski gains you points too, which is weird. I had fun. Great game.

The game is really cozy. I like the game overall theme. I also like the tea making mechanic. Great game.

The game looks nice. The gameplay is simple and nice, but player can block another player from moving pass them. Good game.

Thanks for the feedback!

The controls are a bit confusing at first but once you get used to it, the game becomes quite fun to play. I can't see the lower counters once the customers start to form a line. And the game is unfair on the ingredients spawning. The game is really cute and cozy. Great game.

The pixel arts are nice, but the background makes it hard to see what's going on. And I have no idea where the snowman went after the first level.

The game really lives up to its name. There are a lot of snow. Which I can't interact with the shovel in my hand. Looks nice though.

The graphics are great. The BGM is perfect. The controls are really hard. Sometime snowball wouldn't connect with the snowman even though I'm not near the campfire. The gameplay is challenging but fun. I love the snowball jump mechanics. It is not often you get to launch a snowman up a mountain. Great game.

(1 edit)

Everything about the game is cozy. The gameplay is simple and nice. Great game.

The game is really cozy, fit the main theme very well, and it is very cute. The gameplay is pleasing, but sometime the objects seem to not detect mouse click. Great game.

The presentation is really amazing. It's really hard to get on top of the speaker, the penguin refuses to jump on the snowman sometime. The gameplay is simple but pleasing. Great game.

(1 edit)

The game is really beautiful and have great cozy winter vibes. While the fix was a bit late, I think you did a great job on the game. Will rate according to how it was submitted, however.

The game freezes when in full screen on microsoft edge. Presentation is great. The gameplay is challenging and fun. Great vibes. Good game.

The presentation is really great. I like how there are multiple difficulties (I haven't tried super sneaker yet). I also only use Jingles for the entire game. The distraction is just not worth it. The gameplay is challenging, but not to the point of frustration. And the game fit the cozy winter theme well. Really great game.

Thank you for your feedback!

The gameplay is simple. Sniping down snowmen is not what I consider cozy, but it is fun. I agree that more game mechanics would be more fun. Nice job on your first game.