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A member registered Sep 05, 2018 · View creator page →

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Wow you’re a great writer ! I like the idea of weaving stories, it makes sense with the theme, introduces well the vignettes, adds a touch of creativity and makes for a very nice “look at all you’ve gone through” moment. Honestly I’d read it again just for the prose quality ! Great work !

Thank you so much ;w, We were pretty scared of the reactions since we haven’t written like anything in English so it means a lot to have you enjoy it ! Thanks for the soundtrack suggestion as well ! It’s not something I think about but it is nice to have matching audio in the background

As far as the “broken links” go, it is a failure on my part but not a bug. My prompt for that beat was “a normal village that you fail to map in your head the further you go through” (at first every connection was randomized but I didn’t like that you could spend a while without getting back to the exit), and I agree that it isn’t communicated well– But we were only a few hours away from the deadline so we postponed playtests x)

And yeah trains rules !!!