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A member registered Oct 06, 2022 · View creator page →

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Enviroment is Great, The gameplay needs better feedback and maybe some alternate attack animations

Enviroment is Great, The gameplay needs better feedback and maybe some alternate attack animations

Love the art and the Game page is fantastic

Stunning art, love the mix of 3d and 2d, Well done!

Beautiful art Well done!

Adorable! Fantastic art wish you had more time to implement more doggies to pet! and maybe it would have been really nice if you could pet a doggie multiple times within a time window? 

Beautiful game Well done!


Thank you Homelander! (Please dont kill me)

Great feedback! we had planned on including an upgrade system to mitigate the issue of one player falling behind but due to time constraints were unable to implement, Glad you enjoyed our game!

It was great defending earth from the space pig invaders, an escape button option to close the game would have been nice, and maybe turn the pigs into bacon when shot xD

I appreciate the multiple paths, the text colours were often challenging to read, and a black outline or a local tint would have helped!

Great work! 

Jump/Double Jump control feels good, Great feedback, Debug mode text was on in my build?

the rocks killing the slime was a bit confusing to me and some visual feedback of damage would have been nice, Great effort! 

Crashes on Startup "CreateProcess() returned 2.

Got a bug called Bg_Black image not found. Great art

Stunning polish, well done 

Stunning polish, well done