Really nice game! At first I was a bit confused with all the ui elements and the seals breaking mechanic, but after a little time it gets clear!
Very fun to play, although I didn't know what to do with so many flashlights LOL
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Yeah, that's what we were aiming for! We considered adding some crafting recipes but we figured that playing and exploring with all the different ingredients would be much more fun. The not much colorblind-friendly sprites issue really needs to be addressed eventually, especially inside the wizard's speech bubble.
Thank you for the feedback!!
Thanks! We really tried to keep the sprites simple and unique so all (or at least most) of the crafted items were intuitive!
The game has an ending! There are approximately 15 crafting recipes in the game. After you hand the wizard all the items, the game ends and you win! Unfortunately there is no win ending screen.
We already knew that enemies could push you through walls, but we thought we fixed that LOL.
Anyways, thanks for the feedback and holy crap 12 seconds before deadline is actually insane hahaha