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A member registered Feb 07, 2020 · View creator page →

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Fun concept but I had to ragequit after the 2nd key change. Would've been nice to make the player respawn at the last key change checkpoint instead of sending it back to the beginning.

The music and art work well together and with the theme. Good work! :)

Good game, fun concept.

The UI wasn't great and I only noticed there's a maximum number of moves after I already died 12 times, thinking the lasers are buggy. There was quite a bit of content for 2 days of development so I wouldn't really expect the UI to be a top priority anyways.

Enjoyed solving the puzzles.

Enjoyed the game!

It took me a while to figure out you can collect more than one item at a time... but maybe it says that in the instructions? There was a bit too much text and it's hard to read white writing on a semi-transparent grey background so I might've skipped it.

I did enjoy building a monster tree and throwing dumpsters across the desert, tho. Good one! :)

This is also one of my favourites! 

Not anymore! :)