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Occult Lily

A member registered Dec 04, 2021 · View creator page →

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Awww thanks so much for your kind words! It means a lot to me!

Hi! The game is available, thanks!

(2 edits)


Thanks for the question

The game contains about 70k words, and it takes approximately 3~4 hours for all playthroughs

2.0 add more content and cgs

(1 edit)

Hello! I ran a Kickstarter's campaign and used the backers link to let my backers claim the game and rewards. I noticed that the link doesn't work with backers whose email address is having the first letter capitalize and only this words is capitalize, when they land on the link it said that there's no access keys generated for their email address. To the best of my knowledge I don't think capitals matter at all when it comes to email address. Is it possible to make first letter capitalized email address an valid address to claim? Thanks for reading!

(6 edits)

*Shangri Enfer works on a points system. As long as you get the highest score, you will get into that specific route. Getting the highest score when you're locked in a route will give you the best ending of that specific route. Route locking happens right after the prologue.

 *To get Christine, make Agnes’s and August's scores equal.

 *The recommended route order is Agnes, August and Christine. Feel free to play in any order you like.



"Agnes has been dropping by my store a lot recently, as if she's trying to be my rival in collecting underwear or something."

"What should I do?" 

"Greet her, acting friendly." Agnes +1

"Remember to attend classes, okay?"

"How should I respond?"

"Yeah, I won't skip our next class." Agnes +1

"Good morning, boss! Can I skip school today to help you with the store?"

"She must have heard the conversation between me and Agnes. I'm such a bad influence."

"Yeah, sure, do what you want." August +1

"Don't forget you have classes tomorrow."

"August teases me."

"I'm gonna be absent tomorrow, too!" August +1

"Do you know why Agnes was here?" Agnes +1

"It's still early. Are you sure you want to sleep?"

"August said it's early."

"Is there anything you want to do together?" August +1

"I think I should leave. Luciana is upset..."

"How should I respond?"

"I'm sorry. Let's have fun!" Agnes +1

"There is no next time." August +1

"This silence is awkward. I should strike up a conversation."

"What should I talk about?"

"How do you feel about school, August? Made any friends yet?" August +1

"Agnes, you look down. Are you doing okay?" Agnes +1

"Okay, we can proceed to further examination, but first, drink this."

"Lucy hands me a bottle of red liquid."

"Don't drink it."

"Keep walking away." > Death End

"Agnes said as she slowly sits next to me."

"She said we have the same classes again?"

"Yay! We have the same classes again!" Agnes +1

"Thinking about all the work I have to put into this assignment hurts my stomach."

"I suggest we discuss this before you head home. What do you think?"

"Sure. Let's discuss it." Agnes +1


"Some girls are talking about us..."

"Stand up; fight them." Agnes +1

"Listening into her conversation a bit won't hurt, right?"

"Should I eavesdrop?"

"Eavesdrop on Agnes's phone conversation." Agnes +1

"All the other patrons seem to have an interest in Agnes as well; I can sense the gazes and attention of their eyes, piercing through our small table."

"While I eat at a moderate pace, Agnes seems to not enjoy the food."

"Say that you're happy to eat with her." Agnes +1

"I already paid for both of us."

"Agnes said that she already paid for both of us."

"Say thanks to her." Agnes +1

"Wait... She looks familiar... I know her! It's Hein! The murderer they were talking about on TV!"

"It's Hein! The serial killer that they've been talking about! What should I do? She's trying to strike me with her weapon."

"Run away as fast as I can." > Death End

"Fight back." > Death End

"Yeah! Ask away. You lost your memory, so I'm sure there's a bunch of questions you want to ask!"

"Is there anything you want to ask us?"

"How long have we been dating, Agnes?" Agnes +1

"What kind of sibling am I, August?" August +1

"I want us to catch Hein together. How do you feel about this?"

"What should I say to Christine?"

"I need time to think about this." August +1


"We're in bed together. I can't fall asleep. What should I do?"

"Wait for August to sleep, and then go outside." > Death End

"Tell August you need to get some fresh air." > Death End

Agnes Route

"Why are you always late? I need a reason, Luciana..."

"Tell her that you overslept." Agnes +1


"What should I ask Agnes?"

"How can you remember trivial things like that? I'm impressed!" Agnes +1

"Pasta again, I see. That one is a pretty big serving. I guess we can eat it together if you are fine with it."

"Eat, eat together?"

"Yes! Let's eat it together!" Agnes +1

"I stand up, and my body shakes."

"August is hospitalized; Agnes has to go somewhere. What should I do?"

"Wish Agnes good luck." Agnes +1

"For now, should I say something to express my gratitude to Agnes?"

"How should I respond to Agnes?"

"Tell her." Agnes +1

"Fine... Fine... Ask away then..."

"What should I ask Lucy?"

"Why don't you spend more time with Agnes? Is your happiness something else?" Agnes +1

"This is getting on my nerves!"

"Agnes and Lucy try to convince me not to go out."

"Go out." > Death End

August Route

"I think we are done."

"We're done for today!"

"Say thanks to August." August +1


"It's awkward being quiet. I should strike up a conversation."

"Ask her about August." August +1

"I don't like playing guessing games, Luciana."

"What did you do here?"

"I'm reading books and thinking about you." August +1

"Yune would make our trip lively, but I'm not sure whether or not I should invite her."

"Should I invite Yune?"

"Let's not invite Yune." August +1

"But we only have time for one thing."

"What do you want to play?"

"Let's hold hands first." August +1

"Just a little. I'm curious."

"August is heading further into the sea..."

"Let her go and buy some drinks."  > Death End

"Don't let her." August +1

Christine Route

"As soon as I reassure myself, I call Christine."

"Hello? May I ask who is on the line?"

"Hi. It's Luciana. Is this Christine's phone?" Christine +1

"I knew she's gonna be straightforward, but not to that extent."

"What should I say to Christine?"

"Do you think we can catch her?" Christine +1


"Christine is staring at me. I should say something."

"Thanks for coming!" Christine +1

"Should I tell her about my power?"

"How should I respond to Christine?"

"Tell her everything." Christine +1

"She seems keen on it. I should think of something to distract her..."

"What should I talk about?"

"Ask Christine about herself." Christine +1

"Despite my best efforts, I couldn't find any clues."

"Okay. I'm outside, but there's no reliable clue... What should I do?"

"Go further. There's no clue here." > Death End

"Check my surroundings more carefully." Christine +1

"Huh? Me? Oh, of course I want to ask her something. Is it fine, Yune?"

"Sure. You can ask me anything you want."

"Can you remember the appearance of the attacker?" Christine +1

"Christine runs as fast as possible inside the school."

"What should I do? This is getting bad..."

"Stay put. Keep calling out to Yune." Christine +1

"Chase after Christine." > Death End

Christine Good End

"Who knows what Hein could do to us? After all, she is a serial murderer..."

"I need to say something to convince Christine. If I don't, she's gonna go and fight Hein..."

"We need to prepare a plan; it takes two to tango." Christine +1

"I don't like the sound of this; what truth is Christine talking about? Is there something she's been hiding from me all this time?"

"I believe in you." Christine +1

"All you need to do is stand in that pod. I'll handle the rest. Come on, Luciana. Get in there."

"Christine told me to get in the pod. I don't like this one bit... This pod looks eerie... What should I do?"

"Walk in the pod." Christine +1

True End

"Do you think I should interrogate Hein?"

"Should Christine interrogate Hein?"

"No. Christine shouldn't interrogate Hein." > Death End

"So, back to my question. Do you think we could trust Hein?"

"Should we trust what Hein is going to say?"

"No. We shouldn't trust her."  > Death End

"All I want to do now is..."

"Luciana? Give me your answer. I know that you will make the right decision."

"I don't accept your deal." > Normal End

Hein's Oath (Exclusive to Special Edition)

"Great, then let's get back to our work. We're getting side tracked."

"What did you want to ask me? Please be short and concise. I don't have much time."

"What is the main purpose of this project?" Hein +1

"We have to eliminate those bugs to make the system run smoother!"

"Enough talking; will you do it, or not?"

"I will do it for you. But I need to know more." Hein +1

"Should I shoot Lucy right now?"

"Don't shoot Lucy." > Bad End

Yeah! I'm very happy to see that we are able to continue the bundle and hey I highly believe that the bundle will bring you lots of fun as it did for me in the previous year. To be honest, this is one of the few things I've been looking forward to, the magic this bundle brings is beyond words...

My life is as hectic as always, with lots of changes. Well, I hope that your life will be better this year, I really do. 

It's amazing to be able to hear from you again. Thanks so much for the reply!

Hi Taylor! How've you been? Been a while since we chat...

Very happy to hear that you're enjoying it! I just updated this itch page with a disclaimer and also updated the game to include a disclaimer screen as well. Thanks so much for playing and giving me such a wonderful suggestion. Much appreciated, Wraithkal!

Thanks so much for playing Inyssa!

(1 edit)

Hi! We use PayPal as our payment processor, and it's clear that they don't allow adult transactions (selling 18+ games). We are still trying to figure out how we can sell this game in the safest way possible. Thanks!

~I can't help it, Sophie~

A love letter to the best couple in Death Becomes You, Yuri Onsen Vacation is now responsible for making me bleed my nose every second reading. The CGs and Sprite are extremely well drawn, and the soundtrack and voice acting are a blessing to the ears! 

~I can't help it, Sophie~

A love letter to the best couple in Death Becomes You, Yuri Onsen Vacation is now responsible for making me bleed my nose every second reading. The CGs and Sprite are extremely well drawn, and the soundtrack and voice acting are a blessing to the ears! 

I love everything about this game! It's so so good, the music blend really well with the aesthetic!

Oh my goodness... I'm devastated to hear this... Sometimes I wish I could fly over there, but all I can do is hope you'll get better soon... 

About the bundle, you don't have to vouch for me first; I just wanted to let you know in case they contact you. Thanks Taylor! You always went above and beyond for me... I believe that everything will be well for you soon! Keep in mind that I'll always be rooting for you. Even if I'm not physically there with you, my heart is!

Hi Taylor! How're you doing? I'm not sure if this is the right way to contact you, and I'm really, really sorry if it isn't. I joined the Queer Halloween Stories 2023 Bundle as I saw it on your Queer Bundle email. In verification, Project Enso asked me to enter name of someone trusted in the community that they can talk to and vouch for me. I input your name as I have been with Queer Bundle for 2 years and I don't really know anyone who has much credibility in the community. I'm sorry if this is inappropriate; if it is, please let me know and I'll remove my submission right away. I just wanted to let you know in case they contact you about this. Thanks so much for reading, Taylor! 

I hope you will be doing well soon, Taylor! And yes, thanks for mentioning everyone who worked on the bundle! You are all amazing!

(1 edit)

Thank You!

Another year, another thank you message. This time around, I want to give my thanks to all (devs that join this bundle, my heroes Taylor+Nilson, streamers, everyone that shares(marketing) and working on this bundle). 

No one really plays my game outside of the bundle. Hearing some praise it and say it was good made me tear up. Sure, my objectives for making queer games were never to make them famous or popular. I just want to reflect and express my queer life in a piece of art, and games are the perfect medium for it. Aside from the financial aid, the bundle has furthered my realization of being a queer dev. This support means a lot!

I don't know if anyone out there will read this, but if you do, best wishes to you! I just want to get this appreciation off my chest. Here's to another successful Queer 2024 Bundle!

Wow! The manga aesthetic is stunning, the character dialogue was so smooth, and all the transitions blend in really well! I love the rain effect, the background feels so good to look at. Overall the atmosphere feels immersive and so chill, a moving motion manga with a very engaging story!

Hi! As a lesbian game dev who also received comments as such I want to give you a big Thank You as simply pressing an upvote makes me feel horrible, you deserve more than this. You did a great job! Not only did you handle it professionally, but also you managed to protect our community as well! I just came across this comment after finishing the game(OMG I can’t decide between Himeko or the handsome Akane is the best girl of Love Bakudan as I love them both!) and I must say that we have many things in common. I don’t know, I just feel that your words awaken something inside me, and it fired up my love for making Yuri! As a lesbian who grew up reading, playing, and listening to lesbian media, your game is one of the gayest things I read! 

All in all, I’m sorry that this happened to you, I don’t think the one who comments this has bad intentions as they spent their valuable time commenting. I admire your point of view and let me just say this: I LOVE YOU! I can’t wait to read Good luck baby when I have time! Best wishes to your studio! Thanks so so much for reading my comment!

Thanks so much for your reminder Taylor! I almost forgot to do this! Time flies, hope you are still doing okay! I frequently check your twitter to see how you are doing and am very happy to see you are still active! Well, here to another successful queer bundle 2023! 

Despite all the warnings, I still charged in like a damn fool and I will never regret it. Happy Merry Party was so unique. All the details were carefully crafted. I felt as if I was lost in an ongoing festival with all the hype and tension. The game managed to emerge me with its dynamic style and strong storytelling.

Hi! Thanks for your interest, the playtime is about 2~3 hours.

Thanks so much for playing and enjoying the game!