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A member registered Jul 23, 2020 · View creator page →

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Art is nice but hard to understand what is a trap and what is environment. Rest was nice a smoth, maybe a litle higher and longer the jump? Not to much space to have the jump early.

Thank you for playing., and nice review. Was a crazy rush in this jam. We gone back and forward, thrue all parts of the game. Fix and improve, was not time to do more unfortunately, but for a 7 days game , came out verry well, we are proud of our work. 

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We did not had time to test to much the progress, and adjust to make the progress plesant We are happy how the game came out.  We lost 2 artists on the way, so i had to cover some art, i was lucky with Jolly , a verry good programmer. He took over programming and i was able to put all art together in time. Great work on all team members. Thank you for playing.

Easy and very whele theme use. Great job.

Crazy game stuck on lev 3 or 4, but idea is crazy.

Good coding skills, next time get some artists with you. No audio as well.

Good job. Nice cute art.

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Game mechanics is ok, reguarding coding side. Not to many clues to understand what to do. I suggest first levels to squeze the space and force player to understand his quest. Tiles have gaps a little , the art is cool. Good job with this game.

Verry helpfull, thank you.

Thank you, for playing.

Thank you, dont have more plans for this game, but i have so many people playing it, ill improve it soon.


If want to speak about it , i add this invitation for discord. Come and will speak about it.

Lol , someone is playing this game all the time. Man i decided to work more on this game if you like it so much.

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Nice thanks. The game is not finish, i just tested the mechanics. I want to make another game using this mechanic soon.

Do you use discord? If yes get in touch to send you updates "OLTEANU [GMT +1]#9608" . Or join my community to give suggestions, if want something specific.

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Thank you for buying, amazing if have any sugestions for this pack i am all ears.

Verry polished game, i luv it. I can wait for rockets and repairs. Great job.

We tried to make the cell in different colors, and add some special movements, for example purple have no jump, but had speed, and so one. we wanted to make one cell with low gravity, but was no time to make that. Was good a visual thing for cells to know what ability have, but again same problem(no time). As we know a good game need loads of time , and testing to have a nice game play. Thank you for playing our game.

Cool game, need more intuitive ideas when game starts will be nice a tutorial, and the build is out of visual range, will need some adjustment in game build or canvas. Great work.

The intro scene when train starts, takes to long. Rest looks ok , good job.

Nice platformer, like the use of theme, will be nice some upgrades, and for me is a little to fast the movement.

A little hard to understand what is my mission, but clever use of theme. Well done.

Is ok for this jam, not to many effects, animations feel a little stiff. Good job man.

Game cant be played.

Cool game, luv the idea.

Yep hard to find ammo, and will be nice some upgrades. Luv the art.

Yep game is not playable. Sorry man.

Need some more game design, cause i can jump on some of the platforms, and camera is to close , i cant see what is beneath sometimes and is a question mark for us. Like is something dangerous there? Movement felt ok for me. 

Some where i lost the player, might be in wrong layer, cause camera follow something.

Nice platformer.

Nice game , hard for me to handle the car.

Thank you for playing our game. Yes agree we need to make it more visual the abillities, and make it more unique. I have something in mind for that. Luv all your reviews, make me see what i can see. Thank you again.

Thank you,for this review, and for playing our game. Will have a look on jumping, some of players like purple dont have jumping on.

Nice little game loop you have here. Well done.

Thank you for playing, our artist Boogy came with idea, is verry creative. This time we had a nice audio creator OhNoPhoton, suportive and creative.

Thank you for playing, appologizes for short game, we did our best.

Yep is short, appologizes for that, we planed 3 levels, and some more story behind, but we had some technical problems and lost 3 days.

Thank you man, thank you for playing.

Thank you for playing our game. Our artist Boggy came with this idea. I just did my roll to bring them to life.

Addicted game , cool obstacles. I liked the trampoline idea wit the flower. Great game, art is cool as well.