Love your work as always!
Heads up: ““0123456789:” for scrore and time.” Scrore vs score :)
I see some Cavernas in there! I’m working on tranquil tunnels, and I’m seeing some tiles in the game that would be amazing to include in there for the community to use.
Would you be willing to release the beautiful tileset used under CC0 or CC-BY?
Everything included is CC0, but you can check out the links section for the individual projects themselves.
CC0: Creative Commons Zero attribution - the closest you can get to dropping something into the public domain. very similar to WTFPL: :)
update pushed, and at the bottom there’s a single zip to download the whole expansion!
Love the graphics, love the sprites, and love the mechanics. Keep up the great work!
Took me a couple 10min games to figure out that I needed a handful of houses and only one market/water tower/factory, but once I figured that out, I was golden.
Only one thing: when the year end report comes through, I would probably block the click to the time-passing button. I tend to spam click it, and the numbers change on the report if I continue clicking it. Just a thought. :)
(as soon as paycheck comes through I'll send a donation your way!)