I have started 10 cities and i keep losing money at the start and i will have negative money help me.
You need to check the finance window and see what is costing you so much money. 20 people is around the mark where factories barely make anything and large stores need at 25 visitors to make even. Couple of more houses should do the trick. You can get information about individual buildings by right clicking on building tiles. See if your factory and store are making any income at all.
Just want to add on to what XXTornadoJoey is having a problem with by saying I think the overhead for Reservoirs is a bit too much. That said, I had no problem figuring out how to get money. (Also to be clear in case you did change the overhead, I am using the jam version, though I definitely will be upgrading. (and paying you cause this is awesome!))
By adding more housing and keeping stores filled and only building new ones when you add more housing. It's important to fill factories/stores to max before building more housing. Also, start with markets as these accommodate less shoppers and are easier to max out and start generating profit. You can upgrade markets to shops when more houses are added in the area.
Two sets of five houses and a market with a factory + water tower in the middle should do the trick.