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A member registered Feb 13, 2021 · View creator page →

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Really cute and chill, I enjoyed the atmosphere (and the cat!) Seems like a relaxing game to play, I'll totally check the full game when it's out

I like the concept!  I want to give this as homework for my ttrpg friends so we give the letters to each others at our next meetings haha

I really love the concept and so excited to try it ! It looks so fun

I like the setting, it looks like a chill and fun game to play !

 I have a question regarding the characteristics : you roll the dice twice and for the weakness you make up the opposite of the characteristic you get? (like weak if you roll a 1) Just to make sure I'm not missing something ^^' 

I had a lot of fun playing and replaying it to get all the little bits of dialog (and the three endings!) ! The aesthetic is lovely and the sounds really add to the eerie ambiance...

I think the concept is really interesting ! The idea of balancing invincibility and purification is a cool one ^^ I only played the web version, which was a bit buggy (which you already know) but I can see a nice potential here. The art is also cute and I liked the character's dynamics^^ 

I'd love to play an updated version if you plan to release one after the jam !

The concepts fits well and the sound effects were pretty fun ^^ I don't know if it's because I used a mouse pad but the ropes gets really hard to catch toward the end! Though it's part of the challenge, too ^^

I had fun playing this! The graphics are cute and the music is chill, it gives the game a nice atmosphere ^^

I find the "freeze" mechanic super interesting, there's good potential here... The jet-pack power up (I forgot the actual name... Thrust? What happens with the space bar, basically!) is cool too, if a bit chaotic as soon as you try to modify the direction (I don't know if it's deliberate or not, though I do find it hillarious) 

I also noticed that when you jump on a platform, the character automatically bounce on the platform like it's jumping once again? I think that's why the jumps felt a bit buggy at first. 

Overal I think it's a cool little game!

I can see a good potential in this little game ^^ I really liked the music, and the graphics are cute!

On the side of things that could be improved, I really mourned the lack of saving points or lives, haha! Also I don't know if it's just me, but I noticed I couldn't put on the shield if I was moving? I had to stop moving for my mouse clic to do something, so it kinda  broke the rythm of the game for me. Lastly, I have an azerty keyboard so the key bindings (A & D, mostly) were a bit awkward for me.

Other than that I think it was nice !

Thank you for your feedback!! We're currently working on complexifying and bettering the gameplay for a future update :3

I really liked the graphics and the ambiance is well-done! I'm not super good at these type of games though, so I got stuck kinda early in game I think... One thing that would be useful, in my opinion, would be to know where on the map you are (but maybe it's a later-acquired skill, if it is I'm sorry ^^') 

I liked the concept, and the art is really cute ^^ the way the light works is really fun, I think, even if sometomes it gets difficult to find your way and your friends... Maybe a map (that gets discovered as you walk around) would help? Or some hints, maybe. 

But overal it was fun to play ^^

I really love the concept and artstyle!! A beautiful game, and the friends are really cute! ^^

I had a few bugs while playing, though. The first time I played I got stuck here :

which was a bit frustrating, as I had to start the whole game again. The second time I got more careful and managed to go to the second level but then there was a bug in the rotation process and I just fell into the grey forever :')

Appart for these issues, I really liked the experience and would totaly play a full game out of it!

Haha that's part of the jam experience I guess!

I'll probably replay in it the future, I liked the experience so far :3 

A cool little game I had funplaying ^^ the graphics are nice!

I thought the difficulty was a bit easy, and when I wasn't in full screen I had trouble purchasing new towers (even if I had enough money), I had to click exactly at the right place on the button. 

Other than that I think it's a solid one!

Thank you for taking the time to write a review! 

What you describe might be a bug  but it might also be the fact that the health bar decrease very slowly in general, so if you stopped playing after just a few rounds it might have looked like they were still full... Did they went down when you pressed quit, though?

For the art, yes that's exactly what I did, haha!

Interesting play! I like the aesthetic you went for, and the musics are nice (I also appreciated the fact it's possible to switch tracks!). The dialogs were very funny sometimes, which I enjoyed too. 

I'm not very good at platformers so I couldn't finish the game (yet) Also, maybe I didn't see it but I think it would be useful to allow players to check the controls again with the pause menu, because I couldn't find how to do that so I had to go back to the main menu... The last drawback I can see concerns the font, that I find a bit hard to read if the game isn't full screen.

But overall it was fun to play and has a nice feeling to it! 

Thank you ! We did :D 

Thank you !! Yes you can't just rely on only one friend to win ;)

Thank you so much for your review!! It has interesting points that we'll keep in mind for the improved version of the game ^^

We have plans for more diversity in the fight system, so it should need more strategy in the future and hopefully won't feel so long.

I'm super happy you took the time to try the special things :D so yeah, the point of the game is that you can't win without your friends, but if you don't call them for too long a new monster appears (it's loneliness, each monster has a theme^^). And every friend will stop answering at some point, if you only rely on them (except Orange because she's the mentor, but she won't stop loneliness from appearing, at least in the updated version) because you need more than one friend to help you!

Thank you again ^^

I like the mechanics and the puzzle aspect of this game ^^ The characters look really cute, too! I can see how it would be nice to play it with a friend. 

My only problem with the game is that I have an azerty keyboard so the wasd commands are really unnatural to me, so I had some trouble with  that part :') other than that I enjoyed the experience!

Thank you for your review!! We have more plans for the gameplay after the jam, there's things we didn't have time to develop ^^ It should need a bit more strategy in the future, hehe.

A nice puzzle game with an interesting concept! Some levels are challenging ^^ I didn't spot any bug... The only drawback I I would say is that the tiles might be a bit too dark, the differences aren't always super obvious. But that might also be because I played in direct sunlight and not in ideals conditions...

It was an interesting play! The puzzle aspect is really cool and the graphics are neat. I didn't get it was more of a puzzle game when I started playing so it took me a few fails before noticing I was doing the same level again and again xD then I understood the game better... I didn't managed to beat the game entirely for now but I do plan on playing again in the future, it was interesting ^^ 

(Also I really love the "tadaa" sound when you win xD)

Great pun! The game itself was very chill and nice to play, I loved the character's dialogs!

I only noticed a few drawbacks: the fact it's not possible to make the dialog progress with the space bar (it's not super annoying, but it would be nicer that way I think?) and sometimes getting stuck on flowers or tree or walls (but it was easy to get un-stuck). The music was relaxing, too, it makes for a chill experience.

Overal I found it really neat and very funny ^^

I like the concept of it and the art is cute!

It did felt kinda easy so it would be interesting to balance the difficulty a bit... Maybe introducing new types of enemies or making tower refils more difficult to get? I was also thinking maybe an option to remove or replace towers could be useful.

Overal it was a nice little game to play ^^

I really love the artstyle, it's awesome!!

The concept is neat, even if I had a bit of trouble with the controls sometimes: one time I separated my team (using key numbers) to try to reach to that team member I couldn't find and my drum player fell into a green abyss, never to be seen again :') I reloaded the level and kept the team together this time and it went well, I could gather the band and go to the concert place!

At some point I also had a slight visual bug  where the guitar I had picked up for a future team member was shown twice (like I had 2 guitars under me). It's not a big deal but I thought you might want to know ^^' I can try to screenshot it if my description wasn't clear! 

I loved how the music was getting more full as I recruited more players, but at some point the music loop gets a little bit repetitve, in my opinion... (also I thought it would be cool if when you recruit a new member they did a little solo with their instrument, haha!) 

Anyway, regardless of these minor issues I really had fun exploring the place and getting my band ready! I was a bit disapointed there wasn't a concert level or something, I wanted to play more ^^' I would be interested to play a more developed version if you plan to make one after the jam!

It was a really interesting experience! I loved the music and the aesthetic and couldn't stop playing! It had a very relaxing on me, even if I kept missing so many notes xD The concept is really good and I really appreciated the way the brush strokes interracted with the music.

Thank you so much!! We do plan on developing the combat system in the future, we had ideas for it but not enough time ^^

(Oh your game is on my list of game I want to play! It looks cool and I'm very curious of it I just didn't have the time to try it yet :3)

It's a fun idea, and the graphics are nice ^^ The customers were funny too! I got a bit confused at first about why theingredients weren't coming but once I understood how time worked in game it was cool x)

It's really cute, I liked the simplicity of the graphics ^^ it had personality! 

As I'm not very good at platformers, I felt like the lack of respawn option was a bit of a drawback (maybe there could be friend(s) that have this ability? Either as saving points or who give you the ability to save?) But overall it was nice to play, and I love things about the power of friendship xD

Thank you!!

We agree that the gameplay is a bit light for now, but it's mostly because of time contrains... There's ideas we didn't have time to develop to make it more strategy-based, that will be developed in the future. We're planning on making an improved version of the game after the jam :D 

Thank you for your review!! We're planning an improved version for after the jam so we'll keep that in mind :3 

(1 edit)

Thank you so much for taking the time to play and write a review!!

We do have plans for an improved version after the jam, with ideas we didn't have the time to develop during the week, including more strategy for the fight and better differenciation between the monsters. As it is, the monsters are differents (and there's a secret 4th one!) but it's not easy to see who is saying what so the identification might be messy...

We'll absolutely try to work on the backgrounds now that we have the time! Your notebook idea is interesting ^^

Again, thank you :D 

(EDIT: accidentally posted too soon _ _")

It was quite a unique experience, very contemplative I would say? It took me some time to understand what I was supposed to do, though (I found the monghol empire first but stayed under the text sooo...)

Overal it's an interesting game with a strong aesthetic, and the music fits well.

Okay first of all I love the pun! The game itself is pretty neat and the (beautiful) music fits well with the ambiance. I really like the game mechanics and the concept, too ^^  

Thank you, we're really happy the message is working for players :D 

Thank you!! I'm happy staining my desk with pink paint was worth it xD

Thank you for playing and taking the time to write us a review :D

(1 edit)

Thank you so much!! 

As my partner in crime said, the monsters are differents, but it's true that as the game currently is it's not easy to guess which monster is saying what... We do have plans to improve the game after the jam tho, using ideas we didn't have time to develop and people's reviews!

Your notebook idea is really cute, I love your interpretation ^^

Again, thank you for taking the time to play and review our game :D