Hopefully you are ok. Is the demo still planned?
OddlyWare Studio
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I enjoyed a lot making Bolita Returns, it is my second attempt on making a 3D game using Unreal Engine 5, I'm improving over time, but still have a lot to do. I'm happy with this first release, serves it's purpose well but I'm not done working on it. Next updates wil include, or at least I'm hoping to get done:
- A proper Main Menu with a level selector and game settings.
- Transitions between levels and better before levels screens.
- Score system, online leaderboards.
- More levels, more things to do and collect on them.
- Perhaps another Bolita shape.
- Level editor (online of I ever figure how to)
- Full gamepad support (currently you can roll Bolita and control camera but that's it, there is no menus interaction)
- More music, I love Stevia Sphere's works, she's a AMAZING vaporwave artist but I would like to add my own music, I'm currently on a creative drought but hopefully next year I can work on new music).
- Better graphics overall (it's true that Bolita game series graphics are minimalistic by design but I would love to learn how to model, texturize and postprocess so I can improve the graphics a bit more).
- Some Easter Eggs.
- Localization (current release is in Spanish, I'm Mexican and I'm realeasing this game as a final project for a course I took this year, that's why it is only on Spanish, my teacher's native language and the people that will play it on the school, but, eventually, I'm planning to localize it into English, Portuguese and perhaps French.
- More game modes, perhaps an obstacle's course, maybe not, time will see.
This I will dream of achieving:
- Release it on Steam with everything it involves (achievements, trading cards, steam cloud, workshop, etc)
- Release it on mobile.
- Online multiplayer?
- Make it a paid game so I can leave my parents home.
That's all my friends, hope you like my little Bolita Returns.
Hi. Don't worry, I just realised I got the game from the Bundle for Racial Justice and Equality so I assume it doesn't come with a Steam key.
Hola, no todos los estudios indie tienen la capacidad de ofrecer sus productos gratis. El sistema de monetización Free-to-play funciona solo en juegos con grandes audiencias y popularidad, para un estudio indie de pocos integrantes en imposible ofrecer ese sistema. Si de verdad te interesa el juego, puedes intentar ahorrar hasta que tengas el suficiente dinero para comprarlo, apoyar a los desarrolladores hará que el juego sea más interesante y dure mas tiempo en el mercado y estoy seguro que ellos estarán por siempre agradecidos.
Buenas a todos.
Dejo aquí algunos de las herramientas y software que comúnmente utilizo al momento de crear la música para mis juegos.
DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations):
-Bosca Ceoil (Windows, Linux y Mac)
-Musagi (Windows)
-LMMS (Windows, Linux y Mac)
-Nanostudio1 (Windows y Mac)
-SunVox (Windows, Linux, Mac, Windows CE, Android, IOS, PalmOS, MeeGO)
-Pxtone (Windows) -En Japonés pero existe una versión en español y un manual de usuario realizado por Gryzor87 (Músico de Locomalito), actualmente su página está caída pero lo he subido a un google drive para ustedes.
Herramientas de edición de audio y efectos
-Audacity (Windows, Linux y Mac)
-Bfxr (Windows y Mac)
Además de todos esto, si no tienes conocimientos musicales (igual no es necesario saber de música, entre los programas hay unos muy intuitivos) dejo aquí algunas páginas donde puedes descargar música Royalty Free.
Incompetech (Le debemos mucho a este gran señor)
FreeMusicArchive (Librería de música gratis y sin derechos de autor)
Stevia Sphere (Agradable compositora que te deja usar su música para tus proyectos siempre y cuando la incluyas en los créditos)
Eso es todo por este post, buena suerte y a divertirse!.