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A member registered Jun 24, 2020

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How am I supposed to do things like moving furniture around or give the faun orders to shower or use the toilet? Unless there's some bind I'm unaware of, I can only hope the faun moves somewhere convenient since the camera follows her religiously.

The cat also has a disco set up, unfortunately he forgot to insert anything but red lights into his lighting rig.

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That would Imply I killed death several times before he started showing up, because I'd earned several soulstones before I first faced him.

The game doesn't seem to like being fullscreened, but at the same time, having the game pause because I overshot a cloud of miasma at the edge of the screen feels bad.

So the demo includes: 
* tutorials for walking and shooting which can be acessessed from your inventory screen (kudos)
* a toy gun that seemingly has no ammo, and a shooting gallery that can't be completed right away because of that.
* an ammo storage closet that has a dildo mounted to it which the player seemingly cannot interact with
* a hidden ammo stash behind the spawn point which lets you complete the shooting gallery and access a hub area of sorts
* and nothing much more, no interactable doors or entities outside of a typewriter, ink ribbons and storage box.
I'd be interested if there was at least one entity in the game that existed to show off erotic interactions, but the demo has honestly failed to catch my interest.

I've completed my first prestige. I still don't know how gaining an infinity works despite having already done so once, though.

It turns out the cat has nothing to tell you after you take its offer. Thus I still don't know how an infinity works.

So I'm going along, confused as can be because I don't know how soulstones are actually earned aside from defeating Death or how an infinity is earned. I'm guessing this is stuff the cat is supposed to tell me, but I must have accidentally locked myself out of that knowledge by denying the cat's offer for help. Is that right?

Nerf the evocyte hitbox so exocytes can't use it as cover, give a bonus for earning more evocyte than you need for the prestige, and let me dedicate tissue autoclickers to exocyte defense.

First choice: 
Eating pussy or eating ass
Second choice:
Grinding against breasts or grinding against feet
Third choice:
Vaginal sex or anal sex

I should've stayed away from the myelination button

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I find myself having to play using a flight stick since I can't be assed to unplug it. Here we goooo

So the erotic elements in the game are the dancing health indicators on the side of the screen and the files about events back at base, I suppose?

I can't figure out how to capture a guard and the struggle minigame seems to have some kind of issue where pressing the up button when presented with an up arrow is wrong somehow.

The town guard is pretty strong, and funds seem very finite. Will there be some form of trash-mob to farm for money in the next update?

The second stage (?) starts off way more intense than I'd like. Why two jumping enemies on top of a plant you have to jump in order to shoot at?

It's... a thing. Though I'd recommend toning down a couple aspects since not everyone 'gets' slavic culture.
The chief distrusting Dick because Dick doesn't have sex at his workplace is just kinda weird to Western audiences, although the setting of a PD with a 0 % efficiency rate and a whole lot of silenced journos does make it add up somewhat. If anything; rather than just mentioning it out of the blue for a quick joke that Western audiences might not catch onto, you could spin it more overtly as the chief being worried that Dick might seriously get the majority of the department on the hook for grave misconduct. From there, you could come up with some scenarios where the rest of the department tries to create blackmail material to keep him in line.

Say the Chief tells Rick to tell Dick that one of the suspects hid a key piece of evidence in her vagina, so Dick goes into her cell, and as Dick starts to ask about the supposedly squirreled-away evidence, one of the other cops sneaks up with a video camera to make a tape of Dick fisting a suspect to find a piece of evidence that never existed. The tape later gets destroyed in an accident involving a white puddle in the hall where the cops watch "training material", of course.

Second, the binary choice of whether or not to imagine the dominatrix naked threw me for a bit of a loop when the choice to do so came with the word 'gooner' and the choice to not do it and stay task-oriented came with some description along the lines of 'un-masculine'. It makes me want to ask whether the "men are animals and men who don't act the part aren't acting like men" thing I see among slavs is meant to be taken seriously or not, because all I see is a binary choice where both choices seem to insult my masculinity.

Having played it, I award this game 'most slavic porn game of the week'.

I pressed the download link that says Windows, but got a file that says mac.

Shouldn't drive allow you to download the file anyway? 

"Ja, allt det"
GAIA making itself look like an idiot while boasting about how much it speak languages good
A more correct sentence would be "Ja, hvert eneste ett."

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The way the camera pans with your mouse movement honestly makes the game feel more difficult than it should. I'd have preferred if the window was more vertical and captured more of the bride, in return for the camera panning less as you move up.
Edit: after beating the legs and getting to the hands, I kept having to restart because the camera instantly cuts up to a point where my cursor's in a wall when I click the symbols on the hands.

So I think the player's meant to press Shift, W and D all together in order to make it to the other platform...?

The demo gets a little risque but not overtly erotic at any point.

I can't figure out what to do in the boss fight with the two women firing an emplaced gun from atop that one alien. I can't seem to do anything with the generator on the other side of the arena and I can't get close enough to the alien to do anything with it. 

Honestly, the current version just isn't fun. Especially the arrow attack that takes away  your mana, which is already in a pretty short supply.

Local twink loses anal virginity, dies

After rescuing the succubus I have no idea what to do next

The game gave me a heart attack a few seconds after I opened it in a new tab

In the span of five minutes, I crossed 1e100 money and went right into having a sum of NaN.

The game refuses to start.

Nevermind, I saw the TAB button mentioned in the controls menu.

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What are you supposed to do with the three items you find? I try dragging them onto each other and I try dragging them onto the sleeping plant but while adjacent to it and while possessing it, but nothing seems to do come of it.

The game plays two themes simultaneously while exploring.

Lllloud! How do I turn the music volume down?

I'm not quite at the start of the game: I've unlocked that ability and used it to travel a bit, but where I went to there were about 5 tentacles all grabbing at me.