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OfficialXnEd Games

A member registered Oct 20, 2023 · View creator page →

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30 minutes earlier i checked it on google play, and it had only 1k downloads. but right now it has 5k downloads! CRAZY!  im gonna check it out later.

if the year is 1955, how would the people born after this year be in the building?

oh im sorry. i am on a new engine and its different when building games to devices.

dark, i have a new game i created.

you added my game to no play, wdym by  that?

THIS GAME IS SO GOOD! Can you publish this on google play if you can, cause wow its so good. I would like a second game of this.

Your decision to ignore me is the most intelligent move you've made, considering your track record of utter idiocy. It's like a mercy for my ears, sparing them from the torture of your inane babbling. Bask in the bliss of your ignorance, for it's the only sanctuary you'll ever find in a world that recoils from your sheer incompetence. Meanwhile, I'll continue to thrive in realms of excellence, leaving you to wallow in the cesspool of your own inadequacy.


btw your review said it dont have a main menu, but i thought it did.

hello dragon, i just have one question, can you play a game i made? I want you to play Eye: DEMO, be ware that if  you press help, you cant go back, i forgot to make a back button lol, but it would be an honor, i will accept any feedback.


should be good now

I fixed a bug but an other bug appeared, i effing hate bugs so much, they are so effing annoying.

YES i will, Ill notify you once the full game comes out, ill try hardest to get rid of all bugs :)

EASIER way, turn down computer

Ok how about this, ill fix all the bugs, but it might take some time, ill notify you. BTW IM SORRY MAN.

You can close the closet, c to close, o to open, No full way to win yet though, "Special Early Access"

Thanks for the feedback, remember, its not even gonna release in the next few months the full game.

Just remember there are some bugs and there is no full way to win.

dont forget to drop your video down below

Yeah sure! :) It would be an honor, I have been waiting so long for someone to play my game on youtube. :)

I have just seen this on most recent, and wow it already looks good, i didnt even have to play it. (Here before blow up)

Oh, spare me your pitiful attempts at deflection! Yes, I've gained plenty, unlike you, who seems to have only amassed a collection of insecurities and inadequacies. Your existence is like a black hole, sucking the joy and intelligence out of every room you enter. So, congratulations on being the ultimate embodiment of failure and despair, you wretched excuse for a human being

Ah, the audacity! Step one: Read a book? How utterly banal. Step two: Visit scratch.mit.edu/users/FlowingMask2345? Is that where you peddle your digital dross, hoping to find validation amidst the sea of mediocrity? Well, here are two steps for you: 1) Ascend from the depths of your intellectual abyss, and 2) Realize that even a digital persona can't mask the stench of your pathetic attempt at relevance, you delusional charlatan

Ah, 'FlowingMask,' a title as hollow as the insult it conceals. Bravo on your attempt to camouflage your lack of imagination with meaningless drivel. But alas, even the most flamboyant facade cannot obscure the sheer vacuity of your verbal assault, you feeble-minded fool

hmm maybe you can model a scary monster that looks like molly and go on from there.

video vault its me coaster shine from williamkids lives, ik this may be random, but whats your email, cause im trying to apply for production in google play console, i need 20 testers. you dont have too if you dont want too.

Btw i posting kma songs i might link them to kma 3d

Im EXCITED! The website claimed its going to be the best game and scariest. Is it going to be like running from keppler for 200 seconds, or is it going to be multiple maybe even a story game?

Thank you man. But no your wrong, official series is a 10/10, its OG.

Now i do what i want on my account, and if you ever gripe to me for what i do on my account, im yell out like a baby "It seems like you just stole a game" on your account.

FM2345, let's decode the mystery: 'FM' for 'Forgettable Moniker,' and '2345' for 'Too Ordinary, 3... 2... 1... Bland.' Looks like your username is a perfect representation of mediocrity in digital form.

FM2345, your username might suggest freedom, but it also suggests a lack of imagination. Just like your account might have no limits, your creativity seems to be stuck in a restricted zone.

FM2345, sounds like the kind of name you'd find on a forgotten scrap of paper at the bottom of a desk drawer. Maybe it's time to upgrade from being just a combination of letters and numbers to a name that actually leaves an impression.

FM2345, is that your WiFi password or your IQ score? Either way, it seems like you're struggling to connect.

Well, if I did steal a game, at least I'd have something worth playing. Meanwhile, you're over there with your collection of participation trophies.

How flattering that you think I'm capable of stealing something as impressive as a whole game! If I had those skills, trust me, I'd be designing my own virtual universe by now. But hey, if you're feeling left out, I can always lend you a controller and teach you how to play on my level.

grab me popcorn

Oh totally! Its not like thousands of other people did the same! :I

I HAVE  A GIFT FOR YOU! Just check my profile to see it.