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A member registered Jan 23, 2021 · View creator page →

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nice  game, could only beat people by maxing out my stats though, nice cute characters. a little touch of visual feedback for the attacks might have been nice. welll done

thanks for playing it.....yeah the turning animation is not ideal for sure just removes any snappy feelings a rat should probably have...

thanks man really apppreciate the feedback.....i kind of ran into that animation problem later on and i had already kind of dug myself into a hole with it....i learned how not to do animation trigger events, which i suppose is learning, so bonus! thanks alot!

(1 edit)

Just as a note here, I made everything for this game jam during the week except for the wheel sound effect, the running sound effect and the eating sound effect.....all these were downloaded from royalty free sample sites......

my game. first Jam and first completed game for me.......

This is a good game well done music and art very simple. just works like it should well done!!

i got 57, the high score can we make an esport out of this???

great game got that one more try thing going on......well done with the whole level select and save feature, pretty impressive!

This is really good, the monster is actually scary, well done! the sound attracting the monster works perfectly.  It is a little hard, but that actually kept me really is pretty damn good!!  if i had to complain about anything it would be the very very minor(and personal preference) fact that the controls move in world space, id like to be able to hold w and move in the direction the character is facing, rather than w for up....but this game is very well done....

Thanks mate!

This is quality

Hey, been learning to make games in i made a game about a rat thats locked in a cage, go figure.  Let me know what you guys think.

Rat Life