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Team Ojeras

A member registered Apr 01, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi, Altabestudio! We watched your stream, it was really nice!

We are pleased to hear that the topic is relevant outside of our country (we are from Argentina).  As for the game, this is just an early demo and soon we will add more stuff, like debates, stories, unlockables, and the possibility to skip bad arguments in some way 🤭. More information and historical context will be added in the updates for sure.

Thank you so much for your feedback and support 🤗 We are glad you liked it.

Hi, Paladin_Ecko! We watched your video. Thank you for playing "Valerosa".

Regarding the gameplay, we designed the fights as turn-based debates. Initially, the man presents an argument, and your task is to respond and defend yourself (although it always "damages" you, more or less). Afterward, the roles reverse, and you will need to decide the most compelling argument.
We will do our best to enhance the experience and provide clearer instructions within the gameplay. This is just an early demo.

Thank you again for your feedback and support 🤗

¡Muchas gracias, Rambo_Dev22!

¡Hola, Vintuwu! Muchas gracias por tu comentario.

Vamos a tomar en cuenta todo lo que nos estás contando. Ya nos encontramos trabajando en muchos de estos elementos (sobre todo en el menú de ajustes, que esperamos incorporarlo en las próximas actualizaciones). El minijuego ayuda a que comiences la segunda sesión con una ventaja, según la cantidad de firmas que conseguís. En el caso de que no interactúes, el oponente tendrá la barra completa. Buscaremos la forma de explicarlo mejor dentro del juego.

A pesar de todo, nos alegra que te haya gustado 😊

Te invitamos a seguirnos y a agregar "Valerosa" a tu wishlist de Steam para conocer todas las novedades.
