...that's not how you sideload a game
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I've been waiting for the day someone remade the Zelda nelsonic Game Watch game!! Going right onto my Steam Deck.
Edit: Ok, that was great! I've never owned a Nelsonic, so I can't speak to the function of the og, but I will say this is an excellent remake. Only bugs I've encountered were going out of bounds a couple times, such as on the wall or dragon's pedestal, and the text at the end cutting into the textbox's border. No issues otherwise. Fine work, never title pun too.
I can also very easily picture a Panic playdate version of this. Love it.
I've never played any of the Shadowgate games before; heck I don't even think I'd ever heard of it before recently. The fact that 1. This is an official Playdate version of the game that you got the contract for and 2, that this is all made in Pulp rather than the Playdate SDK or whatever else is available for making PD games for...it's just astounding. I'll be keeping my eye out on this one.
This is an absolutely fantastic concept. It brings back good memories of sailing the Great Sea in The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker and hauling up treasure using the grappling hook. I yearn for another high-seas treasure-hunting Zelda or Zelda-like.
I will say though, that I think undocking the crank and using it to raise and lower the grappling hook might have been a more fun and interactive way to find the treasure tbh. Controlling the boat with the crank felt a little off to me personally. But otherwise, fantastic job, lovely stuff.
Initially sideloaded an older build when I got my first Playdate in the summer, bought it on Catalog once I got a refurbished one for Christmas.
Best pick-up-and-play title on the system imo and a great way to demonstrate the system to friends and family; they all thought it was fun! It's just perfect. Love the stock sfx screams (though I do kinda miss the Heavy Weapons Guy crying, but given the games now on Catalog, I get that wouldn't exactly fly haha.
First comment on this site. Very good! Albeit a bit frustrating! I often find myself running out of AP, but I'm used to Zelda-likes rather than Souls-likes. HOWEVER, despite my, ahem, dislike of Souls-likes and general apprehension towards Souls-like mechanics, this feels like a mostly happy marriage of the two concepts so far. Given the lack of a start and/or a select button, I find that your use of docking the crank to open a menu is an absolutely genius move! I've seen some games on here make use of an option in the little circle button menu as a means of accessing in-game menus before, but this is much more clever and intuitive- great usage of the crank all around!