Thank you! I do have ideas for how I can make the game more in-depth, so I'll probably make something more for it at some point :)
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I’ll admit it’s made in a strange way so that you can’t interact with anything until you press the bell at the window to start the timer. The tutorial might not have been clear that you needed to do that, sorry. If you’d done that though then I’m not sure why it’s doing it.
Thanks for checking out my game though :)
I know it's a slightly strange question, but I really like the concept of this game jam, and so I want to participate to see how well I can do, but I don't want a prize if I happen to do well.
If this is ok, then I'll just make sure to put something saying I'm opting out at the top of the game description.
Thanks :)
Really cool game, I liked it a lot. It's very satisfying to get the shape just right. My only complaint is that sometimes there's multiple solutions to a level, but it expects a specific one. A very minor gripe though, as those extra solutions are far more complicated than the intended way.
Good work :)
I'm glad you liked it! A lot of the thing's you've mentioned I certainly agree on, and I think I might go back and fix up some of the major issues, although I'm not sure about expanding this concept yet. This is the first jam where I really went all out on sound design, instead of getting some random music and random 8-bit sounds from sfxr, so I'm really glad you like that. :)
Wow, this feels like a full release.
The gameplay is fun (Although gets dull after a while, due to it being highly repetitive, although the difficulty curves help to break it up a little.), and strategy is required, although it's not so much that you have to think very hard. There is a variety of things to do, all the while managing recourses and more.
The art and audio are both amazing too, and fit perfectly together. The high resolution pixel art is perfect for this kind of game, and each sound effect is crisp and 'sci-fi-y'.
What I'm trying to say is that you've gone above and beyond with this amazing submission.