Thank you very much for your review! You are totally right — there should be something that will make player fail. Also, procedurally generated dungeons should be fancier, too.
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Thank you very much for your review! You've collected a lot of gold, good job! I'm looking at all the reviews right now and understand that I should make dungeons smaller, 'cause it's really difficult to find key and door, which one is even harder because the door is the same color as other objects.
The design and graphics are very good, I love it! But for me, it would be great to have more tree sprites so that the forest wouldn't be monotonous. Also, I didn't found any bugs, the game works good. I think that shooting mechanic is cool. I mean how seeds stops in random positions, something like that. But, to be honest, I found gameplay a little bit boring. Maybe, some enemies or other mechanics would make it more colorful? Anyway, this cute little game is more than great!
Thank you very much for your feedback! To be honest, I don't think like you. For me, 7 minutes is long enough to explore full map and it isn't too long to get bored. But it's very personally thing, I think. Also, yeah the trees will kill you if you go inside of them. And it's a very big part of mechanics. If you die when you revive trees, then you should just do it on bigger distance, I think. Anyway, thanks for feedback, again!
I see what you mean. I thought it was a good idea to force the player to save energy. I mean, even if the player has a large supply of the energy, it regenerates very slowly, so they will have to save it. Also about colors, I totally agree with you. This is my constant problem in game design. Anyway, thank you very much for your feedback, I'm glad to hear rational criticism!
The game is quite good for the time of its creation. But, of course, there are disadvantages: for example, when the character moves, the inventory starts to twitch. It would also be a good idea to make the game longer, because there is a lot of time left for that. I still haven't really understood where the GameJam theme, "Cycle Phases" is in this game. Anyway, not bad!
This game is pretty interesting. I love the concept, but it's so long and a little bit boring. But the game also has surprisingly wonderful Christmas atmosphere. Even if the game doesn't have the best graphics, I wanted to watch some Christmas movies! Anyway, I recommend the author to familiarize himself with Blender, so as not to make graphics in the engine.
This game is pretty interesting. I love the concept, but it's so long and a little bit boring. But the game also has surprisingly wonderful Christmas atmosphere. Even if the game doesn't have the best graphics, I wanted to watch some Christmas movies! Anyway, I recommend the author to familiarize himself with Blender, so as not to make graphics in the engine.
Гра доволі непогана для часу її створення. Але звісно, мінуси є: наприклад, коли персонаж рухається, тоді інвентар починає смикатися. Також було-б гарною ідеєю зробити гру довшою, адже часу для цього залишилося дуже багато. Ще я не дуже зрозумів, до чого тут тема ГеймДжему, "Фази циклів". Так чи інакше, непогано!
The game is quite good for the time of its creation. But, of course, there are disadvantages: for example, when the character moves, the inventory starts to twitch. It would also be a good idea to make the game longer, because there is a lot of time left for that. I still haven't really understood where the GameJam theme, "Cycle Phases" is in this game. Anyway, not bad!
Игра достаточно неплохая для времени ее создания. Но, конечно, минусы есть: например, когда персонаж двигается, тогда инвентарь начинает дергаться. Также было бы хорошей идеей сделать игру длиннее, ведь времени для этого осталось очень много. Еще я не очень понял, при чем здесь тема ГеймДжема, "Фазы циклов". Так или иначе, неплохо!