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Oliver G

A member registered May 28, 2020 · View creator page →

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Thank you for all the helpful feedback!

Yeah, I definitely am going to focus on fine-tuning gameplay mechanics in future projects. I kind of just implemented the combat abilities and then moved on to the rest of the features.

I also realised, cause my expertise is programming, I made everything scalable. Not the best thing when I had time to only make one questline. xD

That's great to hear about the dialogue/story, as I find that aspect of making adventure games really enjoyable.

Thank you for playing!

(1 edit)

The dialogue interactions throughout the game are great! I got excited with the first combat encounter, it came out of left-field, and really benefited the game. The art style was also very good and fit the setting well, especially with the dialogue UI. Would have liked to learn more context to the story at the beginning, as someone who is not familiar with the Taiping revolution. Apart from this though, enjoyed playing!

I can see why you felt that about the combat. I spent too much time working on the environment/dialogue, and didn't realise how long it would take. I think the best part of the combat kit was performing the roll and dagger abilities for a combo, but definitely something I will work on in future projects. Thanks so much for playing, and the helpful feedback!