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A Brilliant Experience with Cursed Crusade

Let me start by saying that Cursed Crusade is an absolutely delightful gem of a game that excels on every level. This 2D sidescroller, created by the talented Samalb81, is a prime example of how to craft an engaging and memorable gaming experience. From the moment you start, you can tell that a lot of care and thought went into the design.

First off, the premise is incredibly unique. You play as a knight battling against flying mythical creatures, and it feels fresh and exhilarating. The creativity behind the enemy designs is impressive, and each encounter feels dynamic and exciting. You’re not just mindlessly smashing buttons; you’re fully immersed in a world that sparks your imagination.

Speaking of immersion, let’s talk about the atmosphere. The game boasts a beautifully crafted environment that pulls you in from the get-go. The visuals are vibrant and inviting, with an art style that complements the fantasy theme perfectly. Each level feels distinctive, making you eager to explore and discover what’s around the next corner.

The progression system is another standout feature. Unlike many games that feel stagnant after a while, Cursed Crusade keeps you engaged by rewarding your efforts with meaningful upgrades and abilities. You can genuinely feel your character grow stronger, which is a satisfying experience. It’s clear that the developers understand the importance of player engagement, and they deliver that in spades.

Now let’s talk about the animations. They are incredibly fluid and clean, making every move feel responsive and satisfying. The attacking mechanics are so smooth that it feels effortless to chain together combos and dodge enemy attacks. You can tell that Samalb81 put a tremendous amount of effort into perfecting the combat system, and it shows. It’s a joy to play, and you’ll find yourself getting lost in the action.

Overall, Cursed Crusade is a masterclass in game design. With its unique concept, engaging atmosphere, and well-thought-out progression, it’s a game that stands out in the crowded market. If you’re looking for a sidescroller that offers depth, challenge, and a whole lot of fun, do yourself a favor and dive into this masterpiece. Cursed Crusade is truly a breath of fresh air, and I can’t wait to see what Samalb81 does next—this game deserves all the recognition it can get!

(1 edit)

i will find you. this comment activates my anger. run.

i am the best player

last warning.

this is so true!

(20 edits)

i HATE the living daylights out of this game

i will ban anyone with hate comments btw guys

this game genuinely sucks. the amount of STUPID cockroaches along with the fact that the cockroaches have the hitbox of JUPITER makes the game feel super clunky and brutal to try to play. if you are shoved against the wall by 2 or more enemies, you are unable to shoot them, because the stupid wall collision stops bullets from travelling when rubbing against the wall. the limited time makes the game SUPER SUCK. the purple slimes have as much health as you do time to beat the game, so 90% of the game is shooting a purple mess. ketamine??? seriously, a drug?? this game shouldn't be allowed to exist. the shotgun reduces SO MUCH HEALTH and only allows for 12 damage with EVERY shot hitting. the revolver or whatever the hell the second gun is, is WAY too broken, allowing for a 1 shot on normal slimes. there are NO animations for shooting, and the enemy death animation lasts WAYY too long, and keeps collision active till the enemies death animation is over... WHY??? also, the attack animation/punch animation is NONEXISTENT which makes the ability to punch completely useless. why is there even a SCORE SYSTEM, its legitimately IMPOSSIBLE to beat. the fact that the last room has 2 PURPLE SLIMES, and, even with speed running strategies, only allows for 30 - 50 seconds to kill 2 PURPLE FREAKING SLIMES, for if you didn't already know, share 90 HEALTH EACH. the pistol in the game is SOMEHOW WORSE than the SHOOTGUN, only dealing 3 measly damage per bullet. this means the green slime takes 3 HITS to beat. EVERY heart consumable is WAYY to ugly, and has no animation, making the heart look even more ugly. lastly, retouching on the enemy cramming problem, the amount of enemies in each room makes each room BRUTAL to clear. actually, i have 1 last bit of constructive criticism, the enemy detection range is EXTREMELY long range, and the player camera is SO zoomed in, i can see each singular non existent hair follicle on the players hair. the shooter in the game has sniper level range, hitting you when you cant even see the shooter. i could rant forever, but nontheless the bell has rung and the period is over. 9/10 game, would recommend

Perfect game. This could rival GTA VI.