Okay. This is one of the worse games I have played. Honestly it feels like english is the creators fifth language or something. Also it never feels like my stats matter. Like I can kill the golem no problem but right after some bandit knocks me out with ease? kinda irritating how much of this is scripted for you to basically get your ass kicked
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So I have been playing for a bit and I have a few issues. They aren't issues with gameplay or anything like that. However the main character is circumcised based on how even when soft his head is still visible. However in every scene where he is pleasured his dick looks freshly circumcised. The skin under the head should be the same color as the skin of the shaft. if he isn't circumcised then he needs to have skin covering the head when soft.
I kind of legitimately hate this character at the start... they seem like a drunk whiny idiot.
Edit: Yep main character is a whiny drunk idiot and I honestly hate the first part of this game. The idea is great and the art is fantastic though. And from what I read he gets better after getting his ass kicked so great work.
Okay so now that I have played the game a bit there are a few things I have noticed. One there are several times where the character speaking is not the character actually labeled. For example there are times where my character Omega is the one labeled as speaking but it is really a different character. This is an issue throughout all of the game so far. Secondly a few suggestions:
One, Make it so that once we corrupt the sultana further or even when we do the thing with Aladin we get further interactions with the guard. That girl is cute as fuck.
Two, There have been so many times I have wanted to eat Tink out in this game it is insane. Cunnilingus is not JUST for girl on girl action. Fucking Tink might be out of the realm of possibility for now but eating her out is something I could see her going for.
Three, you could do the whole reset thing like with Rapunzel for Jasmine. That way we get to see both ends for the character I liked being able to do both in the last game.
Four, instead of having us lose the 5AP boost and the emergency cells maybe increase the length of the drone maps. It feels WRONG to be missing something that was a part of the last game. Heck there were times I almost missed quest items or had to exclusively go after a quest item.
Lastly maybe make the Harem outfits something you can actually get the characters to wear outside a cutscene.
Beyond those things giving people the option to cum inside rather than outside characters would be nice. And just giving the option to be a bit more of a caring lover in general. I ain't afraid to eat some pussy and neither should our character be.
a suggestion to the creators. Get an editor to make sure every sentence isn't written in Engrish rather than English. I will even volunteer to do it myself at this point. I am willing to bet that this was meant to be written in the style that the animator SlipperyT uses but even his stuff makes sense. This comes out like it was written by someone using Google translate from russian to english.
You know I fuckin love this game man. Makes me have all the manly tears. but the only thing I regret is that there is no ability to view the back of characters. For example it is said that april's outfit during that whole Slut from channel 6 quest was assless. but you only get to see it during a cg! which while awesome only lasts so long.