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(1 edit) (+3)

I kind of legitimately hate this character at the start... they seem like a drunk whiny idiot.

Edit: Yep main character is a whiny drunk idiot and I honestly hate the first part of this game. The idea is great and the art is fantastic though. And from what I read he gets better after getting his ass kicked so great work.


Hello! Thank you for support! Yes, this is exactly the effect we were trying to achieve

The effect that users "honestly hate the first part of this game"??

You want another 1-2 year of rewrite the first part of the game? 90% of players wont allowed that

Thanks for your reply. In response to your question, I suspect just rewriting the bits where Marcus interacts with the prefects while drunk would go a long way to addressing this (and hopefully wouldn't take 1-2 years). He's just a nasty, mean drunk and imho there's nothing funny or entertaining about it. It's just unpleasant. A good example of this is where he mocks and mimics a character's stutter, which is just pretty gross. 

Up to you though obviously. I just noticed a few posts that mention how unpleasant he is at the start and was wondering if some people are put off from buying the game because of it. I've paid for the game myself and think it's well worth the price but this did limit my enjoyment, and that might be the case for others too.  

(2 edits)

Agree that he's totally unlikeable at the start. In 2024 the way he behaves is just weird and creepy, and at times quite hateful . Imho they should improve the writing to make it so he comes across as more naive and incompetent at the start (rather that straight up hostile) and then he can win the students round from that. And (slight spoilers...) the writers return to the well by having the main character get drunk and act like an idiot again later on in the game for plot-related reasons, despite him having much more pressing priorities.