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A member registered Aug 05, 2023 · View creator page →

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Hi everybody, I see there are a lot of people here enjoyed what we made in 3 days of the Wild and Proud jam. So I want to announce that we are considering to work on the idea of the game after the jam finished. And maybe some of you want to participate in the development?

We are eager to complete this game and release it as a larger version with more content, improved gameplay and more oriented to a majority of players. And if you want to join us, we are looking for some people who are interested in joining our enthusiastic team. So you can write me in discord about you want to participate in further development of Tea Work and making it a bigger game not only for a single game jam.
My discord is: onitenjikunezumi

Yeah, it appeared to be really hard (at least much harder than any other part of the game). Unfortunately our team hadn't enough time to polish the game before the end of the submission time

Yes. I wanted to make some dialogs to make it clear in which order players should repair building to unlock the new crafts. But now players can see what they can to repair and do that

Yes, I hadn't time to make it more convenient to understand. But you need to upgrade first and second communication towers to receive new crafting recipes in order to upgrade yourself and the landing pad

You mean customizing the game page? If so I didn't anything like this before. Maybe you can help me with this? I guess it would be great to improve my game pages in future so I need somebody to help me to start doing this

What exactly do you experience? We tested game and didn't find such bugs. You see only background with no other items pickable?

Yes, I planned to create more actions and a victory screen but unfortunately I hadn't enough time for this

Yes, I wanted to improve their movement and do some speed balance but I just hadn't enough time for this, sorry

So, if you join the lobby (from 2 instances) you can see something like this. And if you press host you'll only see a server with no game started (so everything is frozen) and you'll need to connect to it from 2 other instances (with different set roles)

Hi, yes, there may be some problems as it is my first try to make a multiplayer game. And I don't know why there can be a black screen. Also, you can't make your lobby, you can join the global and see the nicknames of other players (or just a grey screen if there no other players). And if you want to host local game, you create a server and need to connect to it from 2 other instances at the same device (it runs on localhost:4444)

Спасибо! Со звуком ожидаемо количество проблем, работаю с ним впервые в жизни тут, до этого вообще не делала никакого саунддизайна. Надеюсь, в следующих проектах научиться делать звук лучше и приятнее. С визуальным стилем тоже не очень, т.к. всё на готовых спрайтах, ну и камера слишком далеко, собственно, надо научиться работать с контрастом и делать заметнее предметы, т.к. тоже впервые работаю так с тайлмапами и y-sort

Игра не была расчитана на то, чтобы проползти там в начале

Простая приятная игра

Честно, вообще не очень понятно ничего, игра выглядит прям очень недоделанной

Простая короткая игра, но вполне неплохая в целом, мне понравилось

Игра выглядит очень приятно, и играется тоже, в целом игра очень неплохая, но, кажется, не совсем соответствует теме

Игра связана с темой довольно косвенно. Но зато выглядит очень круто в плане визуала и графики всей, музыка тоже довольно приятная. Но главной проблемой кажется геймплей, что-то вроде flappy bird в плане раздражающей сложности и препятствий, не дающих пройти игру

Игра просто не работает нормально, несколько раз пытаюсь запустить, и каждый раз какой-то баг UI в начале, когда всё зависает, и я не могу ничего начать. И не очень понимаю, в чём может быть проблема

А потом понимаю, что моя игра -- единственная поддерживает андроид из всех на джеме