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A member registered Apr 30, 2020 · View creator page →

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Haha this is a fun little game! Could see this being real addictive with some extra polish and stuff.

Hahah, thanks so much!

Haha thank you!

Thanks! And same here lol....I wanted to have more of a building mechanic if I had the time, but I had to keep it ultra-simple. You actually DO build a new section of road during a working section, but the camera cuts away quickly enough that you don't notice. That's definitely gonna be something I tweak before I reupload. Thanks for playing!

Yes, and thank you! I hadn't done a WebGL build before, so I was worried about running into a bug when I was rushing to submit. So I didn't make one, but now I'm regretting it. After the voting period is up, I'm definitely gonna make some tweaks to the game and reupload it as a WebGL!

Thanks!! And haha, not really...the idea was that these people are stuck in this endless cycle, so everything would just repeat. But I didn't have the time to make it clearer to the player lol. So you saw all of it!

Very cute idea!

Haha, funny concept!

Ooo, I really like this one. You could definitely expand on the concept to something fuller-fledged.

Fun! I like the challenge of a playing a limited-ammo version of one of these games because it forces you to be strategic and precise with your shots.

Few game-feel things I want to mention:

  • When moving with the arrow keys (I'm not sure if there was another way to control), if I was holding down one direction and pressed down the opposite direction, the player character stops rather than switching direction.
  • I was using the mouse to aim and fire, and I feel like I prefer when shooters/bullet hell games allow you to hold down the button to shoot instead of rapid-fire clicking.
  • I wonder if either the characters were smaller or the camera was slightly zoomed out might help balance the game a little more. The enemies show up on screen with little warning and it's easy to take a few hits before you can prepare.