Cute! Got “Thank you so much for playing” after about 3 minutes, and would like to see it fleshed out.
Couple of issues:
- I can’t walk off the top of ladders, so have to jump through ladders
- room transitions are very slow for me
Hi Miranda, thanks for checking in! There are actually a bunch of different enemy types at the moment, but they’re all using a Penguin sprite. I’ve changed it to have different speeds. I’m still not sure if the inertia works well, or if it will be better if enemies can turn on their heel, so to speak. (Change direction more quickly.)
Just chiming in that I’m also seeing this error on my game:
These headers work for me locally:
“Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy”: “same-origin”
“Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy”: “require-corp”
Newgrounds supports these headers:
Thanks for spending time on this!
This is not highly polished, but shows off an interesting game mechanic where the player + NPCs are turn-based, but the main weapon (the football) is continuous time.
I’m very curious to hear what the community thinks. I think this makes for an interesting concept, and would like to spend some more time on it in the future to add some spit & polish.