"Build a Bridge to Bond with your beloved dog and escape the impending apocalypse."
"Construye un Puente para Vincularte con tu amado perro y escapar del inminente apocalipsis".
Thanks for the feedback. I've played yours already: .
Thanks. .
Thanks a lot. .
Thanks. I've already rated yours: .
The blue gate appeared about 4 times in a row.
High score in originality.
I just saw it. Wait...
OK .
I've rated yours. Thanks.
I played and rated yours.
I couldn't pass the blue color portal.
I wonder if the final scores are persistent...
I appreciate it. Cheking yours...
Couldn't play your game. It prompted an error with my gc and started with a very low fps... I see it's done with Unreal Engine.
Thanks. I'll check yours.
Thanks. I rated yours already.
I finished it : , nice one.