My score, on my second playthrough: 3212, 1:52.54
Solid game, very Meat Boy-like. The platforming works well, and I like how you can press space to jump as well as pressing up. Every time the character died, "I hope you have insurance", indeed, it felt like it was my fault, which is always a plus. Well, outside of that cheap trick early on, but I knew there had to be something there. I'm still fine with it; there should be a sense of humor with this idea.
The music feels like a placeholder that doesn't fit the game or the Game Boy feel, and I did use that mute button eventually. I also agree that there should at least be a pause between getting the goose and going to the next level. I pondered whether there should have been a pause after dying, but after dying about 20 times on the last level, the lack of pause there is a blessing.
Great game!
Might as well post here now, as I probably should have posted here while I was developing it: I finished Box Isles, my GBJam 5 entry. Maybe "finished" is not the best word, but it's fully playable if short. It's a simple grid-based box puzzle game. Here's the link.
This is my first pixel-based game that I made in Unity. It's also the first Game Jam game I ever completed. I posted some dev logs here. I developed it to prove to myself I could.