Wow, ultracool! Thanx
Creator of
Recent community posts
Thank you so much for playing it and for the feedback! About the difficulty: all the people I gave that map to playtest found it too difficult, and I didn't really know how to make different difficulty presets for doom, so I left it at that. Next time, I'll make more difficult modes more difficult. And will try to be better overall. Thanks again for your feedback and overall support. It means a lot.
I thought about it for a while and came to a conclusion that it is great as it is. My only concern was broadness and the fear of a blank page, but when I've meditated on that, I understood that it would need additional pages, which ruins the concept. So it's awesome as is. And sorry for the late reply: firstly, I was caught up in life and then when I've written a message, itch flagged me because I've forgot to turn the vpn off when visited the site, so all the three messages I wrote last week are gone. Anyway, thanks for your works! The game is amazing and I would even certainly play it if I had someone to play with aside from myself.
Browser client is offlining the tabs, but your "sup" method works great, yeah. And doom is cool as hell (sorry).
Oh and thanks for checking out my profile and following. If you'd ever play the map,let me know what you think as a doom enjoyer. The final part of the map sucks, because I did all of it in a few hours for a jam (the jam actually was two months, but I completely forgot about it and it's host Steve Lee gave me a chance to upload it in 24 hours and I did my best), but I'm quite happy with the parts before the gate and the fact that you only need any two keys to proceed.
Yeah, you're right. I agree with you on most things. But about the things you suggested (which are absolutely valid and cool): the problem with IRC for me is that it has no message history (obviously) and it drains your battery in the background (obviously), so if you are using it on the phone like me, you either have a low battery life or you gotta start conversations yourself and this is also my personal problem as I always feel like I'm bothering people if I reach out first in any context, but yeah. IRC is ultracool overall as it has amazing people from every generation (there are people 60 and 70 years old alongside with people who are 14 (I'm hanging out in slashnet))
Forum websites that aren't technical are hard for me to find, as well as web rings, but I'm only starting to explore neocities and will probably find some cool ones soon (if you have any recommendations, feel free to share them, though)
And thank you for your response!
I hope it's the right place to write it,because my message is a bit off-topic from gamedev, but with the values of our community, a cry for help and an invitation to a discussion.
I'm very unhappy with the current state of privacy and the web in general, but I don't know what to do with it. So, it's obvious with privacy: buy a phone with available privacy roms, download librewolf or some other private open source browser, live happily eved after, but that's not the point for me.
I don't really need that much privacy, I want connection, I just don't want to use twitter or x or whatever .
Just make a website, you'll say . and I am. But I don't just want to scream into the void, I want to communicate. I want to know other people, I want to know You.
And an itch community, our community, is great in spirit (and I'm making a zine about how awesome it is. By the way, if you'll excuse a little tangent, zines are currently the best way I've found to communicate, but they're still very individualistic.), but it's very individualistic.
You can show off your art here and its really cool, but it still lacks communication features I and we (i hope) so desperately need.
Community page is a cool idea, but it's not very alive. I've tried starting conversations here and replying to other people with little success.
This post most certainly won't be read this far too.( Comment "banana" if you disagree, i dunno. ) Only if by the moderator if such off-top is off limits and I've chosen the wrong place to write it.
I don't have a solution or a conclusion, really, but I would love to know what you think. Or talk about anything really.
Our community is awesome.
Thank you!
Hey! Ultracool.
I'm Rodion, I'm less cool. I am a level designer, but currently work nowhere: just graduated (school) this year. I make something experimental I call music, zines and stuff. I'm also planning and writing games and zines for the future. I'm hosting a podcast and doing stuff. Love itch and it's community. I think we're cool.
Thank you for the maker! (I've finally desided to give it a go, by the way Random Shitty First ElectricZine by Родион ( )