Found a weird bug, at least pretty sure i probably did :)
Converging conveyors identically in different directons gives different results (same while using sorters, even)
If it's not "a bug :)" then elaborate on why???
didnt say it was hard, but the focus on early game for now is entirely understandable
abandoned that run in act10 anyway
also noticed a bug, i think: when using "Parry Shield + Shield Bash + Punction" game recalculates how much damage Bash should do but not how much Punction adds, so doing that turn 1 gives: 15 armor, 15 attack and 0 overheal
Overheal balance is understandable, but makes overheal strike unviable past about Act5
Dagger meta is going strong, added a screenshot of my deck at act8-ch12, probably should've put growth on ParryShield too, but double was useful for getting up to 60 shield really early
Counter does feel practically pointless this deep, scaling it off total HP/Shield/Attack might ameliorate that, even if only with a charm
Speaking of - getting a charm after each troll feels nice but is very pointless past, at worst, Act 6, maybe randomize or straight replace them with devil lairs after all/max charms are collected?
language is not much of a problem, the only one i didnt figure out the function of was the pumpkin
but there seems to be some perfomance problems - couldnt pass level 13 after clearing the whole field because beams started stuttering too much to activate plants, even with only one source beam and one prism