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Osiris Flores

A member registered Feb 01, 2021 · View creator page →

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Thank you very much for your comment, the truth is that I would have liked to give more explanation about the puzzles but time was not enough, but I will fix it and I will fix the camera, thanks for the idea

Not yet, yesterday I did not have time but I will try to get together today 


Thanks, I wanted the music to be frantic since you don't have much time to finish it, that's the reason why I used that music and not something relaxed do and of course I'll just watch your game

If you want you can send me your email and I will send it to you tomorrow 😁

I'll fix it after the jam 

Ok it's fine, I really appreciate it

So am I disqualified?

I already edited it again since the same error appears, it has to be solved since I put all the folders, it warns me if it still cannot play.

In my profile the game is already uploaded correctly here the link

Can I send it to you from any medium so you can try it?

I already found the error I did not add that folder, there will be no way to edit it

You have to download all the files and put them in one

Thank you!